Was gonna say that!
Tennis again?
Joke aside, pure competitive games are indeed just pure competitive games with no context at all. But competition in itself is ideological and political (the need to make the opponent lose) so Pong is too.
It's a point of view on multiplayer gaming. In Pong there is always a loser and a winner, never two winners, never two losers (can we even make a draw in original Pong? I don't know).
Pong is also a game that opposed human versus computer, it can be view as pure skill exercise to be a 'better' human or it can be literally a fight against the machine like playing chess against a computer. Both makes me want to ask what is the point to do this ? I think answers at this questions are political indeed.
Super Mario make a twist on the trope of the knight saving the princess. The knight is just a plumber and it is said to him that the 'princess is an another castle'. But at the end the right order of the world is restaured when Mario finally frees the princess from the evil Bowser.
So from a political standpoint Super Mario is a product believing strongly in individualism and in the self made man ideology. The twist shows only that even a plumber can save the princess if he works enough = liberal capitalism making us believed that we'll be all rock stars and billionaires when we're definitively not (and yes I'm quoting fight club here). All this is the consequence of the game focussing more on gameplay than it's narration, therefore it leans towards what was the common thinking of the time.
Polygamy (relationship between Peach, Mario and Luigi, if that's what you are referring to) is much to me a side effect of the 2 players gameplay possibility, but it is still indeed pretty interesting in itself yeah.
You probably meant it as a joke, but too bad you get a real answer :)
Indeed, I still get someone giving me names of nonpolitical games.
Oh you didn't perceive the irony, didn't you?
The Council, The Wreck, Haven, Orwell, Life Is Strange, Journey of course, The Stanley Parable, The Beginner's Guide, Everything by Christine Love, Everything by Jonathan Blow, Inside and Limbo, Get Even, Betrayal, Kentucky Route Zero, Never Alone, Tell Me Why, A Plague Tale (both), Deathtrap Dungeon (interactive video adventure), Kholat, Asemblance, Firewatch, Her Story, The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter.
I include a bit of everything...
I think someone at ubi played Astrobot and thought "wait a minute"...
En l'occurrence je parlais du bénévolat dans le sens : travail non rémunéré en général, pas dans le sens strict.
Dans tous les cas tu a l'air de penser qu'il y a des intermittents payer a rien foutre. Dans ce cas la soit effectivement c'est pôle emploi qui évalue mal les cachets soit le fisc qui contrôle mal l'activité au moment de la déclaration d'impôt.
Si ton problème c'est un problème de tiroir budgétaire OK je comprend. Si on transforme le statut en sub, on ajoute encore de la précarité a un statut déjà précaire. Sans parler de la tonne de ressources nécessaires pour traiter toutes les demandes a posteriori...
L'intermitant n'est pas bénévole car on accorde collectivement de la valeur a son travail a la maison. Je ne vois pas où est le problème.
L'absence de contrôle ? Ou ça ? Remettrais-tu en cause les compétences de l'administration fiscale française ? Ou bien les compétences de contrôle de pôle emploi ?
Poppy Linux should do.