I thought you had a typo... You're unimpressed because China has... population growth?
And yes, in the path to decarbonization, they've been explicit that it's a process. You cannot expect a developing economy to instaneously transition to a net zero economy while growing, that's an insane ask.
If you read the second article you linked a bit more closely, you'll note that they are talking about China's rapid development. It would be absurd to imagine an economy growing that rapidly could do so while keeping their total emissions the same.
Meanwhile though, how does this compare to America? What major decarbonization efforts are they undergoing? To my understanding, they are so hell bent on undoing Green projects that they are even cancelling those that Biden put in red districts in an attempt to shield them from the Republicans almost sociopathic disregard for climate change. So, in a question of whom we'd prefer on climate policy, I'm not quite understanding what the heck you're trying to say? China's not perfect but you can see a path to climate neutrality, without wishful thinking, do you see anything comparable at a Federal level in America?
I simultaneously care about the climate and have a reality based view of the world, which is something I don't think we share.
Have a good day.