
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 hours ago

Yeah, he needs to learn that its against animal cruelty laws to use a feline as a substitute football to kick a field goal. If that ever happened on the field during any football game, that would most likely end up being instant disqualification for the penalty.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 12 hours ago

Or suffer my curse?


Now who here is risking being visited by three plagues, each worse than the last?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago (1 children)

And there is going to be many who will say the answer to that is a "Good Cop With a Gun".

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Yeah, what you just stated about a concave mirror is not only ludicrous, but would be very destructive to the wilderness and wildlife and probably would be time to contact every wilderness and wildlife defense group to have this so called start-up shut down.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Oh okay, it's just that I feel attached to the woodlands and find comfort being in the middle of the forest, and seeing what is going on here made me feel really concerned for the environment and nocturnal species. Like, what if you happen to be an animal that is on the prowl or is active at night and all of a sudden its daylight due to sunlight being reflected from a mirror in space?

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 week ago (7 children)

Just looking at this has me feeling really concerned when it comes to the environment and nocturnal species.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I think the next step is to call for a criminal investigation into Elon Musk for installing spyware on a US Warship, and get him charged with espionage for the Russians or Chinese.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I wonder if "Elon Musk is absolutely a 'hate speech assholutist'" would fit him better, meaning that inviting him here to comment may end up with him in violation of 'Rule 6' and likely end up being banned with no warning given.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Okay, I just wanted to know whether or not it's B.S. and I wasn't sure what community I can ask about it in and thought to post it here. Now I'm thinking this may not have been the right community since I have been getting all downvotes here by the looks of it.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Next up, we hope to hear about "Texas Democrats Reform Civilian Courts Ready to Do People's Bidding against Corporate Greed"

The 2024 Election Meltdown (pro.paradigmnewsletters.org)

While I was looking something up, I recently came across a link to this video that was talking about a 2024 election and I have been trying to figure out which community I can post about it in, and where I can get someone to look into it, figure out what its about, and whether or not we are heading for dark days after the presidential election.

Anyway, It has made me feel very scared since it was talking about how the Democrats in the House of Representatives are plotting to block the certification of Donald Trump if he wins the election, since they are predicted to take about the House, but doesn't mention anything about the status of the US Senate.

It also mentioned the Stock Market is going to be having a 50% crash, the final fall of the US Dollar, there will be public unrest possibly leading to a Civil War, Martial Law being instituted, etc.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I had finally gotten this response from Rooki at Lemmy.World which suggests I'm going to be needing help in finding a workaround here, if anyone can help me out.


sadly there is no "Whitelist" or some sort for this, so we can not really do much about this for now.

Here is the repository if you want to track its progress / request such feature: https://github.com/db0/fedi-safety

With regards, Rooki

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Oh, the link to my community is [email protected].


I'm not sure where to post to find someone to help me or a workaround for this, but I'm having an issue on here where the display picture that I used for a couple of topics I posted in my koala community had gone 404. I have tried to ask for help in [email protected] and sent an e-mail to the admins to try to get the problem fixed, but I had not gotten any response from the admins and I'm beginning to wonder if I need to find someone who may know of a workaround for this.


I'm not sure what is going on now, but the image on the same post has gone to 404 again with the following message, and I'm wondering if this is a false flag to be looked into.

code	"not-found"
msg	'Invalid status 404 Not Found for Some("01/91/67/bd/82/19/7f/c6/a9/5c/0a385494f4e7.webp") - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n<Error>
<Code>NoSuchKey</Code><Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message><Key>01/91/67/bd/82/19/7f/c6/a9/5c/0a385494f4e7.webp</Key>

Edit: I was just checking today and it is now happening to this post in Koalawalla Woods as well with false positives. Editing it and trying to fix it doesn't work. https://lemmy.world/post/19099195


I recently just noticed that one of my posts, the one to a petition on Care2, had its display picture from the petition itself get deleted as it was coming up as 404. I have changed it to a direct link to the image on Dingo for now while I'm wondering why I wasn't even notified of the reason why it was removed.

Edit: Now it looks like it is 404 here as well.


I have thought about this and decided to post here since it was suggested that it could go here.

Anyway, I'm currently feeling like I need to speak to someone and might be able to help. I haven't been doing much with the koala community I create here since I have been feeling a bit down.

Even though I'm thinking about it, I'm still wondering how I would incorporate a koala comfort place into it where one could talk about concerning things that may also be worrisome things.

And I’m also currently planning on posting links to articles about koalas and petitions to help koalas and/or their habit posted to it, which the post titles will be marked in []s if they are for a petition, article, or something else. If anyone has any ideas they want to talk to me, feel free to let me know.

The one thing right now that is slowing me down is the amount of e-mails I'm currently getting, which is now over two hundred e-mails a day. This is mainly due to the amount of non-profit organizations that are sending me emails about surveys, petitions, donation requests, and actions to take among other things.

That has me now wondering if I need to create a list of them here so you can help me figure out which ones I may have to filter into the trash.


At this time, I have been feeling a bit down and is why I haven't being doing much with the koala community I had created here. But now I'm thinking about it again and had been wondering how I would incorporate a koala comfort place into it where one could talk about concerning things that may also be worrying things. I'm already planning on having links to articles about koalas and petitions to help koalas posted to it. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to let me know.

The one thing right now that is slowing me down is the amount of e-mail that I currently get, that is now over two hundred e-mails a day. This is mainly due to the amount of non-profit organizations sending me emails about surveys, petitions, donation requests, and actions to take among other things, and I'm now wondering if I need to create a list of them here to find out which ones I may have to filter and send to the trash.


I'm not sure if there are certain images on here causing this popup to appear or what, and I wonder if someone can help me figure this out. I wonder if its something that will need to be blocked or an instance that needs to be de-federated until the admin of it agrees to remove the Malware that is causing it to happen. Here is a screenshot I managed to take of the popup.


II have thought about this off an on for a while, and decided I will talk more about it here since I haven't been able to find a more welcome place for someone who is considered spiritual and on the autistic spectrum. I'm not even sure what the right place is though as there are times I tend to feel lost in more ways than one and perhaps cut off when I get mistaken for an AI bot in a few places.

My story starts where I was born into a family with a Mormon Church ancestry, even though I wasn't actually connected to the Christian Church. I'm not going to go into religion here since I don't want this to turn into some religious argument. Anyway, when I was six or seven years old living in a house further away from my grandma's house, it seemed apparent that I was more connected to nature where I would watch water running along the ground in little rivers.

After my family had moved back closer to my grandma, I found myself going out into the woods behind her backyard almost every time I was visiting her and going to the stream back there to look at it. I remember during the time it seemed magical and mystical while I was exploring on the frozen marsh there in late fall and was looking at the twilight in the sky at sunset realizing I needed to head back to the house.

During one of the times I was out in those woods as a kid, I had encountered something that looked human that said "hey there' and I ran all the way back to the house scared not knowing what it is. Sometime after that, there was upheaval going on between my parents which may have been due to the time the chimney was blocked and the house was smoking up, I ended up being brought to my grandma's house with my siblings to spend the night. I have memories of wearing footed pajamas with the vinyl feet, but had developed holes in the feet for some reason. It was night and I could sense there is something out there.

When I was home again and it was sometime around late spring or summer, I had become interested in the Care Bears and while I was playing with brick blocks, wooden blocks, and large train tracks that were plastic from a riding train in the basement playroom, I was writing letters to Tender Heart Bear and leaving them in the kitchen window where they were being answered. I think it may have been because I was looking for a friend since I was friends with the neighbor girl Carrie before, but then she stopped being friends of me and my siblings weren't being kind to me either.

At some point, I was allowed to get this three foot tall Tender Heart Bear plush from Toys-r-Us after getting good grades in school, and it became my only friend. Sometime later, there was upheaval going on between my parents again and we ended up being forced to leave there and go on a cross country trip to Washington State. I couldn't bring much of anything with me and so I lost a number of things including my three foot Tenderheart Bears.

While I was in the van traveling by woodlands, I had this mystical sensation of something out there calling me to come back out into the woods for some reason and couldn't do anything while in a van. On top of that, I remember seeing the darkening sky and sensed some kind of mystical connection with the western sky for some reason as well, and this might be related to the feeling of being disconnected from nature and lost.

Years later, when I was back on the east coast and was living in a town house in northwest New Jersey after moving a couple more times, I recovered my three foot Tenderheart Bear and I also had a dream about seeing a white mouse who was named Heather in the backyard who was sad. She told me her husband was killed by a croaker while searching for one of the two greatest treasures in the world, and she was pointing to a steep grassy hill that appeared in the distance from the house as she continued saying one of the two greatest treasures lies just over that hill.

This may been related to where I used to live in Pennsylvania where there is a tree covered hill in a similar location from the front of the house, and over it is where my grandma's house is located. During that time, my mother had met someone who was having me forced to be going to a Christian Church and I really didn't seem at all comfortable with it, but thankfully I was no longer going there after she broke up with him. Sometime after that when I was beginning to look at Pagan and Druid stuff out of interest, I was visiting my grandma's house again thanks to my sister.

During a visit out there again, I was sensing this presence there and wasn't sure what it was even though it led to me having dreams about a fox. I ended up looking for help and was soon hooked up with a seer calling herself Yotewah and Coyote's Green Eyed Daughter, She also went by the name of Kikyo and I told her about the presence I felt at my grandma's house while showing her a sketch I did of a fox wearing blue clothing I had seen and remember from one of my dreams, and she astral traveled afterward to find that it is a fox boy called Kane.

A while after that and feeling like he is a friend I lost years ago at my grandma's house, I ended up with my getting someone to make me a custom Kane the Fox plush so I have something physical I can cuddle up to. Sometime after that, I had a dream about a girl outside the first townhouse I was moved to in Northwest New Jersey, and brought that up with the seer who found it was a fae girl named Lindsey who is an elf girl. She saw she was being chased by something dark and evil and took care of whatever it was. That later ended up with me having a custom plush I made of her using her description that I remembered,

When I started having a couple dreams about darkness out in the woods behind my grandma's house that may be related to what I saw out there when I was a kid, I told the seer about them and she had astral traveled there to cleanse the woods and my grandma's house. She told me there was some sort of guardian that she cleaned as they were being harmed by something that had the form of the Sprite from the Secret of Mana game.

After I had been moved out into a rural area with a yard that had some trees, I remember having a dream being in the yard there and could feel this pulling sensation. So I had contacted the seer about there and she found out there is a vortex and guardian there nearby. Then while I was back at my grandma's house and talking to her about Kane the Fox, she assumed it represented me due to having the Todd as one of my surnames. After I told her about the seer I had been talking to and showing her all the records that I kept, she had wanted to know her credentials even though she had not asked for money or anything in return. I later did that and ended up learning the seer was taught by the Elder of Serpentstone, it let to a little bit of an argument with her and I continued talking to the seer.

Not long after that, I had a dream about something pretending to be Kane that had a crescent moon on its cheek and I was uncomfortable. I also remember seeing an eclipse in the sky in the dream. After I had another dream where I could hear Kane calling for help, I contacted the seer and she looked into it and found that it was a Kane Pretender who trapped Kane away from me. She not only found and brought him back to me, but sealed the Kane Pretender away in an ice sphere of love and placed it in an ice glacier somewhere guarded by a dragon.

After that ordeal, I started having dreams again with Kane in them and was better. I continued having the dreams about him off and on as well as a few about Lindsey, and soon I had moved one last time into a house with a larger piece of property that included woods out back. Just after the move, I was feeling rather uncomfortable and had a couple dreams about fairies. I told the seer about this and after investigating, it turned out that I have fairies that are not only fond of me, but had been told the name of their queen. I continued having dreams about Kane and my grandma's house off an on and at some point, I have lost contact with the seer.

Some more years have passed and now I have been feeling worried and a little depressed (lately around the winter solstice when the days are short and no greenery to be seen outside other than bamboo, plus too cold to go outside). It may be due to the state of the world and things being forgotten and taken away leading to the feeling of them being lost, and the fact that recently I have been seeing trees dying off. It could also be the fear that I'm having on and off about emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, the fear of an artificial super intelligence, and brain computer interfaces and stuff that are a threat to the innermost privacy of the mind, and there being too much change happening and autistic people cannot adapt to change well.

This could very well be because of my strong connection with the woodlands and there being decline of woodlands that is upsetting to me like I can feel the pain of what is happening to nature and to the fae folk. At this time, it seems I'm feeling so lost and so cut off since I haven't picked up much friends. There were also were attempts to get me back into the christian church and be cut off my attachments with the woods and the spiritual friends I have. When I first brought this up in a Pagan subreddit on Reddit, someone alerted Reddit Help Resources which I don't think if that was right as I wasn't even talking about committing suicide as its not quite that bad, and I'm not thinking that for that matter.

Right now, I have been thinking positively on what thinks can be talked about or done, and it feels like we need to bring back something like a Koala Kafe in the comforting woods to talk about stuff like this. I also keep thinking about the Last Mimzy movie where it feels like Gaia, the soul of our world, has become sick and people are becoming isolated and warlike (see what is happening to Ukraine and Israel), and our world is frightened and is dying. And has feeling like looking for a great scientist to try many times and is willing to try once more, this is the Last Lindsey (based from the elf girl with a strong affinity for the forests since she is of the forest). Her task feels like it would be teaching of how precious the woodlands are and saving them, as well as finding a soul not contaminated by the technological pollutants that fill our bodies and minds like our precious quality of humanity has been turned off, and it is said the soul's tears would contain an instruction for an awakening that would spread like wildflowers.

Anyway, sometimes I feel like we could use something like a Koala Kafe in a peaceful woodland place that is like being among the comforting koalas, even though they are listed as endangered in Australia and need our help. I also have lots of created characters and ideas and had been trying to work on a few stories, but I feel bringing them online in the wrong place will lead them being scraped by AI Bots and be used against me to make things worse. I'm just afraid whatever I create and write to give to be helpful would also end up be given to the elite few thanks to their AI bots. I feel that I currently need someone to talk to about this and figure out what the solution to this is.


I just found that I'm getting the infinite spinning issue when commenting on a post in [email protected] and not sure what the issue is as it is the same on two different computers.


Hi, I have recalled that I had been invited to post here sometime ago while I had some other issue going on, which I think it involved Reddit. Right now, I'm feeling okay, but perhaps feeling a little worried, and I'm wondering if I could talk about it here even though I'm on the spectrum as I had been diagnosed in the past with having Asperger's Syndrome. I must let you know that it may run long as it will probably also include experiences I had in the past since when I used to be a child.


Lately, I have been getting the following popup when I share various links to democratic petitions and take actions on Tribel, and it hasn't happened to me before.

So far, it has happened with trying to post the following:

  • A link to a petition to pass Automatic Voter Registration
  • A link to telling Congress to support Healthy School Meals for all
  • A link to a petition to remove Judge Aileen Cannon from Jack Smith's classified documents case against Trump
  • A link to a petition to demand the Supreme Court denies Trump’s immunity claim
  • A donation link to Stopping Third-Party Candidates Like RFK Jr. From Handing Trump Victory
  • A link to standing with Bernie Sanders in his fight to save Social Security
  • A link to telling Congress to pass the Black Maternal Health Momnibus
  • A link to a petition to demand felony charges against Cody Roberts for Animal Cruelty
  • A link to a petition to stand with President Biden and SAVE Medicare from Mike Johnson’s GOP House Majority
  • A link to Protect Pets And Wildlife From Agonizing Death in Heavy-Duty Rat Traps
  • A link to Urge Congress to pass Community Schoolyards® legislation
  • A link to telling your U.S. House representative to support the Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act
  • A link to telling Chief Justice John Roberts that Donald Trump is NOT above the law and should be PROSECUTED
  • A link for signing a letter for #TaxDay2024 to support policies that make the wealthiest individuals and corporations pay their fair share in taxes.
  • A link to a petition to FIRE Postmaster General Louis DeJoy.
  • A link to a petition to give Social Security seniors a stimulus payment.
  • A donations link to stopping voter suppression.
  • A link to a petition for Congress to SAVE the US Postal Service from bankruptcy.
  • A link to a petition to tell Congress to close the Medicaid gap.
  • A link to a petition DEMANDING every GOP insurrectionist to be REMOVED from Congress.
  • A link to a petition to support legislation to guarantee Vote by Mail in all 50 states.
  • A link to a petition demonstrating support for Bernie Sanders’ wealth tax on billionaires.
  • A donation link to stop Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from handing the election to Trump.
  • A link to demand Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert are EXPELLED from Congress.
  • A Change.org petition link to Return a dog named Oakley to His Rightful Home in Baldivis, WA
  • A Change.org petition link to Let’s get Thabo the wild monkey to safety!
  • And now a MoveOn Political Action donations link to Don't let MAGA's harrowing archaic vision for us become reality

These links so far are from the following organizations.

  • Change.org
  • Greater Good
  • Moms Rising
  • MoveOn Political Action
  • National Democratic Training Committee
  • Progressive Turnout Project
  • Public Interest Research Group
  • Retired Americans PAC
  • Stop Republicans
  • Trust for Public Land
  • Vote.org

I have tried contacting support over there numerous times already to find out what is happening, but I haven't gotten any response from them at all about it. The only answer I had gotten so far over there is from a user stating they have gotten it on occasion when I try to post a new post and think the site might have been hacked by Conservatives, or the site owner Omar may have gotten bought out by Conservatives for this to begin happening against Democratic links to help Democrats.

Right now, I'm not sure where I could be allowed to begin posting the links that are being blocked by the popup on Tribel, since I thought and it seemed like that site was left leaning. If anyone has any ideas, feel free to let me know here.

Edit: Removed all other edit notes again and added that it is now also happening with a link to a petition DEMANDING every GOP insurrectionist to be REMOVED from Congress.

Edit: Added its also happening again with a link to a petition to support legislation to guarantee Vote by Mail in all 50 states.

Edit: Added its also happening again with a link to a petition demonstrating support for Bernie Sanders’ wealth tax on billionaires.

Edit: Added its also happening again with a donation link to stop Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from handing the election to Trump.

Edit: Added its also happening again with a link to demand Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert are EXPELLED from Congress.

Edit: Added its also happening again with a Change.org link to Return a dog named Oakley to His Rightful Home in Baldivis, WA.

Edit: Added its also happening again with a Change.org link to Let’s get Thabo to safety!

Edit: Added its also happening again with a MoveOn Political Action donations link to Don't let MAGA's harrowing archaic vision for us become reality.


Right now, I'm feeling concerned and wondering what is going on in regards to Sublinks here, since I have created a community for discussion on koalas about a week ago on here and have started and been doing work on it recently. But now I'm hearing about Sublinks and feeling concerned if I created it on the wrong instance or the wrong platform since I'm now just recently hearing about it. I'm just feeling worried and wondering whether or not if I should do anything or not.

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