
joined 10 months ago

Hello, I just completed my Adguard setup on my Raspberry Pi! Only problem is I have no clue where to put the adress on my router. I see DNS and WINS Server Settings and there's DNS Server 1 ans DNS Server 2. Is this where I put my IP from Adguard? I would also like it so if my Raspberry Pi is ever down it would just pick up a like normal just obviously with ads.

I would really appreciate it if someone could help me here!


Hello, I just completed my Adguard setup on my Raspberry Pi! Only problem is I have no clue where to put the address on my router. I see DNS and WINS Server Settings and there's DNS Server 1 and DNS Server 2. Is this where I put my IP from Adguard? I would also like it so if my Raspberry Pi is ever down it would just pick up a like normal just obviously with ads.

I would really appreciate it if someone could help me here!


Hello, I posted in this sub-reddit not to long ago asking if I should run Adguard on my Raspberry Pi. It turns out that my Asus router I guess has an option for Adguard. (I've been told but didn't check) Should I do this? Would I have the same amount of control? Would this put an extra load on my router? I have a lot of people connected to my router and can't afford to have any slow connections.

I appreciate your support in advanced.