These make Picard look like a masterpiece
They talked about that during What We Left Behind. They really did make him more evil because the audience was starting to like him too much.
Sonic Shower Thoughts!
Sonic Shower Thoughts!
Sonic Shower Thoughts!
Sheesh Frakes, there was no barber on staff to help you line up that beard better?
It's not ~~Lupus~~ RS232, it's never ~~Lupus~~ RS232
I get very Give me pseudoephedrine or give me death when I can't breathe through my nose.
The metric was that it is no more effective than placebo. It is a very old drug and was grandfathered in from a time before modern standards.
The FDA was told this by researchers in 2007, but they wanted mOrE dAtA.
Edit to add: It does have more effectiveness when used nasally as opposed to orally.
You're running local storage for a VM host? Or are you talking more like whiteboxing your own NAS?
I understand what bcachefs does. I've used bcache many years ago to do exactly what you're describing, albeit for bare metal servers. I'm asking why.
I'm just trying to understand what the use case would be in 2023 outside of a home lab, given that cost per gigabyte is basically at parity between SSDs and HDDs when you consider TCO (i.e. when you price in the extra power and cooling overhead for the HDDs, failure rates, and such).
This would have been really nice to have a decade ago. In the age of virtualization, what's the use case?
EDIT: I'm not asking rhetorically. It really would have been nice to have 10 years ago for my use cases. What use cases do you envision for bcachefs in 2023?
And via a website too
Everyone knows real admins do curl | sudo bash
It's a Trek name. Hopefully that doesn't spoil it too much, but I thought it was relevant since Wordle doesn't have names.