Username checks out
They're on kbin
Infant formula! They shrunk infant formula!
That is unbelievably dangerous.
That's definitely a ~~Stargate~~ Supergate.
The computer has a proper name? That's totally normal and never bad.
Do your spots go all the way down?
~~Banana~~ Tea, hot.
Freeman getting her hands dirty?
Yes, and/or dismemberment.
ALLAMARAINE! Why the hell do they have that?
Definitely being hazed. Someone just got to tick another box on Cerritos bingo.
AlL yOuR FiLeS aRe ExAcTlY wHeRe YoU lEfT tHeM.
The sky is literally falling.
[Stop trying to make Peloton happen]
You got this Boims!
Is that... the black mountain?!?!?!
DECKD WK 2, EP 3 Solved in 2
⚪⚪⚪🟢🟢 🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢
Both, at the same time. It's hard to explain.
I can see that being the case for the Desktop variant. For the Server variant you get vim
and tmux
out of the box.
Lately, jq
What distros don't include tmux and vim? Ubuntu has had them for at least a decade.
Apple will simply
You don't have to guess or make stuff up. They already have a fully-compliant self-service parts store.
iPhone mainboards are not available for obvious reasons.
If Discovery were as unpopular as some people really think it is, then none of the current shows would be in production.
The paid version of Sync for Reddit. I paid $1 and used it for 13 years.
Surely they'll butterfly effect into different numbers after you buy the ticket?