With some of the biggest baseball caps you've ever seen
*cough* magnet link?
What is this, an extinguisher for ants?!
We can go deeper!
But he was very different to Dukat's daughter.
He was growing his beard.
It's particularly jarring that they get it right in some episodes and wrong in others. Might make a good drinking game.
To start things off:
I'm sure the first thing that will come to many people's minds is the infamous badging error in TOS:
Some may suggest that since it was caught during dailies and intentionally left in, then it should stay as it always was.
Others may suggest that if modern technology were around back then, it would have been fixed in post; so why not let that happen now?
For that specific example, I'd probably argue for leaving it alone.
Least-Electable Candidate in US History, Claims Area Man, of Candidate Who Won With Most Votes Ever in US History
You mean like an Iconian gateway?
One Scaramucci equals 10 days