Sorry my bad, I should of responded in a more professional tone.
Yeah I totally agree there is a valid reason to have the function but its all moot if the function doesn't work correctly.
Sorry my bad, I should of responded in a more professional tone.
Yeah I totally agree there is a valid reason to have the function but its all moot if the function doesn't work correctly.
Either you didn't read the github comments or dont understand how vpns work.
If the VPN over hotspot function leaks data outside the tunnel, then your phones data is going to be revealed in the clear.
I don't think your giving people much credit. Anyone on here who can bind their VPN to their torrent client can easily handle this.
I mean the filter list github literally provides instruction. So does ublock, so does pretty much any DNS filtering service.
This isn't rocket science. All it takes is like 2% effort.
No offence but that's terrible logic.
There is no point in using a vpn if you don't care if your data leaks outside the tunnel.
It would be much better to just use a free VPN, like proton, on all devices instead and then just use the regular hotspot functionality.
Yeah Im gonna pass on the non audited chat with only 5 stars and stick to using signal.
LineageOS implementation of this is poorly done and will leak data outside of your VPN tunnel.
Honestly if your going to use this, its better to just add the list to ublock, then add another extension which makes your browser more fingerprintable or, better yet, add the list to your pihole or DNS filter service.
I doubt it. I think OP wanted upvotes and didn't read carefully. Something like "tor user de-anonymized via retired app" would of been more accurate.
This is another great lesson that even the best privacy tools can't protect a user from their own bad opsec.
It just sucks as a lot of Lemmy users will just read the title and assume its true and then tell their friends tor is no longer safe.
Yeah not sure why OP felt the need to use such a click-bait title.
That's what I would say too, need to slim the herd before the 1st round of interviews.
Thinking isn't your strong suit
As someone who worked in the restaurant industry this name made me shutter.