First time was too close for trump taste so now they just told the shooter to roam around but to be sure to not shoot at the orange glowing stick
The smoothest brain in the history of the USA
He's old and weird so he probably pay some underage teen to slam them when he's not sitting too
Good for the World sadly what happen in america have often worldwide repercussion
Yes they are also #StopfacismVoteHarris
But it will not be the kind of violence they want tho a lot more of broken glass in the husband meal than man beating their wife
Is there a way i could send my mosquitoes ? I would like to help and they are all well fed mosquitoes
There will be no action till Eat the rich stop being a slogan they won't do shit if they fear nothing
It's the entrances to the new montreal wide underground parking to be started between now and years 2100 but the orange cone will be there from now till it's finish in 2573
Or at least that what they got told