
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I stopped using discuss.online as my home instance after it was unavailable through Sync for a month. πŸ˜•

And to be honest, it hasn't seemed like discuss.online has a plan for growth and long-term sustainability? Like others have mentioned in the comments, I would have preferred to find an instance outside one of the big main ones to use as my home base. But as I've been using lemmy I keep finding different ways it feels like even with federation, it's just easier to be on one of the big instances -- especially for better search and availability of content.

Besides that, not having any revenue model other than donations doesn't seem sustainable to me. And the wide array of technical issues (e.g. integrating analytics if they're not already included) that pop up from lemmy still being so early in development seems to be beyond what a single administrator can reasonably handle.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Watched the first episode of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon, last night. It was good! Nothing amazing yet, but it had a lot to do in one episode. They clearly wanted to kick things off with action as well as set up the new setting and season hooks. There are new zombies that seem to be acidic, there's a spiritual mysticism / prophecy and faith elements we haven't seen much of in TWD before, and the medievalesque French setting is really satisfying to me.

Daryl's a great character to be the stranger in a strange land. He still clearly wants to be a lone wolf, and equally clearly still needs the purpose and belonging only other good people can provide. I was surprised in places to see him not jerking away from / being hostile to the familiarity of people he barely knows, but it's kind of nice to think that all that time with Rick and the gang has actually helped to socialize him some.

How exactly Daryl ended up in the situation that led him to France is still a mystery, but he does say basically that he started this journey because he was searching for something more / bigger than survival in the Commonwealth. As readymade as the divine(?) mission the nuns want him to take on seems for this, it's consistent with his character that he's not buying into it, but the aligned interests of the help he needs and the fact that they clearly are in need of help still hooks him in.

The villains of the season haven't shown much personality yet, and the nun Isabelle (who seems setup to be the co-lead) hasn't hooked me yet. She's had a lot of exposition to deliver so far though; I'm hoping that's not the main thing they use her for throughout the season, or Daryl's going to have to carry a lot more performances than his usual range of sarcasm, stoicism, rage, and brooding mystery can really cover. πŸ˜†

But I'm still cautiously optimistic. When I was still watching the original TWD, the on-the-road story that this plot is promising was always the kind of thing the series delivered best on. This new setting is showing a ton of promise, and I'm intrigued to see how the Laurent storyline, with these new elements of prophetic mystery and hope for humanity, plays out.


I haven't watched TWD since season 7, but the trailer for this spin-off (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTOaFootkSk) really caught my interest.

No need to catch up on all the other seasons to follow the plot? βœ… Focus on one of my favorite characters from the old series? βœ… Cool & different medievalesque post-apocalyptic French setting? βœ…

Hoping it's as good as the early reviews suggest.

[–] [email protected] 26 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Would be great if the caption instead were "This is fire."

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Thanks, they are all showing up now. Previously they weren't showing up in search either, so there wasn't a way for me to subscribe to them; from discuss.online's point of view it seemed as if they simply didn't exist. Maybe after searching for them / trying to visit them, that triggered something in the backend to pull them in?


Hello! Was hoping to make discuss.online my new home instance, but I'm having trouble accessing some communities on other instances:

They don't show up in communities search, and trying to go to them directly returns a server error page, with an error message given like:

FetchError: invalid json response body at http://lemmy:8536/api/v3/post/list?community_name=rpgcreation%40ttrpg.network&page=1&limit=20&sort=Active&type_=All

I can access other communities on all of those instances...

... so I know it's not an issue with them being blocked, but it seems like they're not being fully federated either?

Anything I can do on my end to further investigate or attempt a workaround?