
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

I think once you are on the surface, your chances rapidly grow, even when its cold water with a lot of current. You still only have to manage to get 20-30m to the side out of the strongest current. The way to the surface in time to not suffocate might be the problem, especially out of a wildly tumbling car that smashes against rocks and stuff in the riverbed while being hurled on by a powerful current.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I am convinced that Moskitos have a cloaking device, they can sometimes vanish in front of your eyes.

[–] [email protected] 114 points 1 year ago (10 children)

To me it seems absolutely like it, yes. For whatever reason, Flies are sophisticated nuisance animals, they got all the perks to be effective in that endeavour. If you signal them it's their life or death, it's even more interesting, prime directive is to dance on your nose by then.

Fortunately, they got a few "bugs in their code" which makes them a bit more controllable, I know of a few very interesting ones:

  • Fear of moving fabric:
    Be it a sock or a T-Shirt, once it starts to whirl through the air somewhere near them, they panic. Try and compare, take a solid object (even a fly swatter) or your hand and just whoosh it close by. Often they are back within the blink of an eye, even more annoying now. Try the same with something out of fabric, they will keep 10 times the distance afterwards.
    Possible explanation: Their fly brain interpretes it similar to bird wings, a threat even they take serious.

  • Sleep mode in dim light:
    While flies seek out a place to sleep in the light of a single tea candle, you can still see them. Incredibly useful to get rid of flies in small spaces like a caravan or a tent. Possible explanation: They just lack vision, so their only option is to chill at the closest surface.

  • Fear of crawling into openings:
    If a fly wakes you up way before your time, build a little cave in front of your face (Think of the entrance to an Igloo). They won't crawl in for the life of them.
    Possible explanation: The ones crawling into the mouth of something often didn't live to pass on their genes.

  • Water bottle reflection:
    How to: Fill a clear bottle with water, close the lid and put it up where they have to see it. I have to admit, I long thought of this as being silly and esoteric Mumbo Jumbo, yet after several attempts at it when Flies became unbearably annoying outside, there are clear differences in their behaviour once you put these up. They will still annoy you from angles where they have no line of view to the bottle, so prepare to set up a few.
    Possible explanation: Reflections messing with their vision, esoteric Mumbo Jumbo.

I'd be happy to read some more if you came across something that messes with them, I hate to simply kill or poison them (Don't want fly innards in my living space or poison my surroundings) but to be annoying in revenge is fair game, especially when you get rid of them that way. Btw: how do the salt gun folks deal with the salt being literally everywhere after a shooting spree?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Startpage might be something for you, mixed bag though but I got nothing of substance to say against it.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Cool, so now we can go and make anything. What about a flag? Where are you from? /s

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Always heavenly quality items +5% for folks working against spam

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Adding to this, Youtube rarely hands out high quality versions for recordings - so the low fi version on youtube is more like a demo. If you have expensive equipment, you will want to pay for a high quality version if you like the tune.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Some slight reassurance never hurt anyone, that's worlds from advertising or pushing though.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I've just read up on that experiment on Wikipedia and the conclusion you present seems to be shortcoming to tell nicely. Reassuring to me was that the two groups occasionally ganged up on the experimenters, being aware they're being manipulated. Thanks for mentioning this, yet for me it seems to be way more to it than '2 groups will fight inevitably '

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

You might have a look into arena/match like multiplayer games, I found they match the 20-30min gameplay and moving on very well. Closer recommendations would need more information about your interests in games. Good luck!

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