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[–] [email protected] 27 points 10 months ago (7 children)

sigh I really can't be bothered with news reporting about the war in ukraine.

Everything we'd say turned out right, literally everything. Whatever, liberals will freak out when ukraine has to unconditionally surrender and all we have to say is "see?".

[–] [email protected] 15 points 10 months ago (1 children)

If we ever turn socialist, Europe needs to be balkanized in order to make sure the European powers could never again rise up to the power they previously held and continue terrorizing the world.

No need, the european century of domination is long over, there's no financial, technological, industrial or militarily advantage Europe employs. The only reason why europe is even considered a developed inter-nation is the Statesians have poured their influence, money and military in order to safeguard and create a second bulwark, otherwise europe would've had a revolution long ago.

The capitalist project is really the only leverage they have, once this is done away, europe's sole infrastructure will collapse within themselves, already the European countries are beginning to break down without the input capitalism full collapse, it's a deck of cards waiting to miserably fall.

Balkanization would just complicates the liberation of workers within this inter-nation, especially considering we need a workers revolution to fully remove the strains of white supremacy which dominates this people's mindset, and even then, europe will go through strife during the collapse of capitalism.

The Russian Empire is excellent example of a country which was so leveraged to a certain people (that being russian, or eastern slavic), that once a revolution swept the country, russification, and the idea of the russian being the civilised people in the steppes, soon dissipated. Instead the Soviet Union promoted the worker's culture, and the new Soviet man.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago

Too true, coincidentally in October 6th I passed one of my university's exams.

Obviously Putin was involved in this, I also saw a video of Hamas specifically congratulating me on passing my exam. It's probably because I'm so instrumental to the role of bringing the western hemisphere to collapse.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 10 months ago (3 children)

Colombia, Peru, Brazil and Argentina all went through this.

What's with latin america and it's relation with extreme alt-right parties? You'd think a continent so ravaged by capitalism & imperialism they would opt for left-wing parties?

[–] [email protected] 68 points 10 months ago (2 children)
[–] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Noticed it too, Idk I thought it would be funnier imagining 3 chuds screaming in the comments and we can't see them lmao.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 10 months ago

Sniper elite is the only ww2 game I can think of where you fight Italians, that or I'm misremembering where you fight germans in italy.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I also find it weird that there are so many together

I'm not well versed in IDF tactics, however I know the basic of the operation which the Israelis are conducting.

  1. They're buddled up due to fact these are forces trying to occupy an area of the city, likely some market place, poor tactics really but the IDF are desperate, and they're not well known to have the most competent leadership.

  2. Israeli's are using predominately armoured vehicles rather than infantrymen, it's like the polar opposite of Ukraine. The reason's for this is urban compact requires Armor to shield itself from small arms fire, Palestinian snipers are also very well trained, and several IDF soldiers testify just how effective they are.

  3. Mobility kills don't really matter, if the tank crew abandons the armoured vehicles, its effectively gone. And the IDF are likely never going to recover these vehicles, it's simply not a strategy which the military command, nor the cowardly IDF soldiers are ever going to do.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (2 children)

Don't worry guys, we just need 5 more years of ~~genocide joe~~ Joey our friendly uncle sam, hopefully he'll listen to us instead of voting off crime bills! Or voting to send weapons to bomb & kill, Or breaking up railway strikes, or passing corporate lobbyist laws in his home state Delaware, or giving money to the MIC, or giving more subsidies to corporations, or removing all the welfare benefits after covid-19.

You know what? This gag is unfunny, fuck joe biden supporters, you middle class shits would rather have a concentration camp in your garden rather than socialist reforms

[–] [email protected] 19 points 10 months ago

cool, I'm sure they have the weapons for this, it's not like Russia invaded in winter and occupied 1/3 of the country. Nor the winter of 2022 where Russian supply lanes were still completely intact and operational despite all the western weapons Ukraine possessed.

who the fuck believes this shit?

[–] [email protected] 16 points 10 months ago

a) Was the Great Famine real?

It was.

b) If so, was it as bad as we’re taught in the west

It was pretty bad, nothing like the fudged numbers of 60-80 million people dying, but 20-30 million are rumoured to have perish in that tragedy.

c) Was it directly linked to Mao’s Great Leap Forward

It was, but you must ask yourself why the great leap forward happened in the first place. Right after the Khrushchev got elected, the revisionist Soviets recalled industrial experts and scientists, effectively stopping its supplying or aiding of China's industrial efforts, it was effectively an embargo on China, this completely crippled China's momentum and forced Mao to take a radical approach of self-sufficiency to industrialize China in a way it can compete with other industrial nations.

The failure of the great leap forward was due to being a desperate plan rather than well-thought out one (that being said, many benefits actually did come from the GLF, such as literacy rates improved and living conditions were developed, so it wasn't a complete failure), after the great leap forward came the Ultra Poverty-worshipping communists such as the gang of five, who stated all that China needed to do was stay the course, and China would find itself a developed-industrialized nation in no time.

Had Khrushchev and the Bukharinite faction not took over after Stalin's death, the Chinese wouldn't have to be forced into such desperate measures such as the great leap forward, nor would the sino-soviet split even have happened. It's another reason why Mao had Nixon come over to china in the 1970s, it was desperation, and China needed its productive forces to be sufficiently developed, it needed foreign technology to accomplish this.


Good news from this, it's a small one but still extremely hopeful, it shows Zionist propaganda (and western propaganda in general) is losing its general appeal. Hopefully more US cities will begin to condemn from this point forward.


Biden in his usual senile war-mongering and degrading rambling, has now rubber-stamped the US's path in the future, no reconciliation, no peace, and the surge of its unrelenting imperialism are all expected.

Articles belonging to the Atlanticist propaganda mouth piece even advised Biden and his Administration to change the disastrous policies before it is too late.

Like here



And Here (You get the picture)

High ranking diplomats have already sounded the alarms that the global south has permanently closed bridges to the west, that's now completely certain.

The US has chosen that path 'to the exterme' or bis zum Äußersten, a very popular Nazi slogan which justified the continuation of its already lost war. Biden has now signed this off. The US will lose, it cannot fight the entire world, no matter how exceptional you are, or historical. You Will Lose.

Biden's speech, like his presidency, is unpopular, already the dislikes outmatch the likes, the support for israel is not popular at all, and Biden's authoritative push for funding and censoring has already put people into radicalisation. Good, people see the naked fascism which presides within it's institutions, and the rampant looting internally/externally of colonized peoples is more transparent than ever.

What does this all mean however? The face of the United States, the president, an unapologetic, dictatorial, war-mongering, depraved, sociopathic, lying, manipulative, hypocritical and genocidal, has now broken down the rules-based-order which preluded the decades prior. The mask is off.

The United States has signalled its terminal decline, and Biden's speech has facilitated that decline even further. Without a doubt, Biden is the most unpopular president of our lifetime (If not History), the 2024 election will be the most interesting point in our lifetime, to my comrades in fascist core of the United States, Be prepared. The US has shown its fascism externally, they will show it internally to all of you.

Between George Bush's "New World Order" and Biden's "Inflection Point" historians will now have a concrete timeline of the imperial hegemony, it ended today at 20/10/2023


Article Link http://web.archive.org/web/20231017044952/https://www.npr.org/2023/10/16/1205886086/biden-israel-ukraine-funding-request-congress

Biden really re-enacting downfall isn't he? Think like a nazi, die like a nazi.


Wow, the average of Ukrainian soldiers are over 40, and yet I was told they had plentiful of manpower. One country is mass mobilising every possible body for the front, and the other has recently stopped it's partial mobilisation.

Meanwhile Zelensky is pre-occupied with his disputes over Ukraine's Golden boy Zaluzhny, so you might be on hold.

So, Ben Wallace officially says "Bis zum Äußersten! Bis zum letzten Ukrainer!"


And if so, what are possible implications for such an outcome to happen? Will these parties gradually adopt ML reforms? Or will they revolutionise their countries into proper emancipated ones?

I'm curious about these two since they're the best organized parties inside the capitalist sphere.


The Maxxpros, leopards, strykers, bradlys, and even the challengers failed. Now these tanks are supposed to be ukraine's last hope?


Western governments face the cold reality of its own hubris, can the liberals accept their myth of western superiority as delusional?


I've tried finding anything relating to a supposed decline of triad activities in China (and especially Hong Kong) but nothing ever seems to come up, either it some Hollywood glorifying video on the triads, or it speaks about their past.

I just want to know their present, rather than their past.


Even the MSM is now a shill for putler and his putinbucks.


Would you look at that, the fascist, russophobic, war-mongering "NAFO are our allies" kaja kallas has been found to actually crave money like a jackal. RIP bozo don't let the door hit you on the way back.


I remember decades ago germany was taught to be a bastion of what a free democratic society should be. I wonder if people still believe this lie now.

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