Human rights come from Christianity. Rights in general is a Western obsession. It is a religion which most Westerners believe everything is structured in, but not the reality. When you think of it this way, it is a thing that can be used cynically to feign morality. As such, don't rely on the unreliable. Consider the powers that be. Power shapes the world. You are either ruled by it, or you are fighting it.
He should move to Texas.
I already explained the problems with solar. Solar doesn't do a good job of sustaining itself at scale, because the price of charging for the sun is akin to charging for air. Like air, the sun is free. The race to bottom means there is no money to be made. Gluttony of supply prevents any attempt of price controls, because it has to go somewhere, or else, there is no point of making it anymore. This means that plants have to be disabled. When there is a spike of energy supply, the operators have to sell the energy at a discount somewhere else. Transmission lines can transport this excess, but transmission lines are not cheap, and not easily built. They are planned very carefully. Transmission lines need to be replaced every 40 years, and they are actually considered a liability because of this. Transmission lines aren't built unless they are absolutely necessary. So while an economy that runs on solar has cheap energy fuels, even at negative prices, they will be paying for transmission lines to minimize the glut, just so they make building more plants profitable. There is no money for a 100% solar energy grid unless the government pays for it. Another way to mitigate it is by increasing energy consumption, which is the opposite of energy conservation.
Solar and wind are cheap energy fuels that are harder to profit when they scale. They need transmission to offload energy gluts to other places. Glut energy provides no incentive for energy developers to build more power plants. This is why you don't shut down nuclear power plants, because nuclear energy is consistent base energy.
Democracy does not work, just like in the case of Donald Trump being a 2 term president. You need to ban all sources of free speech outlets and news sources, and only allow Singapore state TV.
What is a woman? What is pornography? These are existential questions a progressive wrestles with in 21st century. What is next, can they define a child?
Sounds nice, but she needs to pay all those Mexican workers clogging the road protesting who built the tourist train.
I like Kari Lake. I hope she does a wonderful job.
The Deep State wants censorship. Obey your masters or you are a traitor.
Saudis own an oil company in Texas. They're pretty cool people, man.
Biden already killed the Chinese EV.