
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

based and hating white music pilled

they never should have let kkkrakkkers have guitars

Death to America

[–] [email protected] 22 points 2 days ago (1 children)

only 50? lol

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[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 days ago

ight im officially anti-Xi now, this is beyond cringe. if you need more money for pension budgets just take it from rich people dumbass

Death to America

[–] [email protected] 15 points 3 days ago (4 children)

i swear to god i hate nerds so fucking much. im trying to learn python and these motherfuckers have made it so fucking difficult to even install anaconda that im ready to fly a plane into a building. why would a program not install its own navigator? beyond useless. i cannot reiterate this enough: the more somebody knows about computers, the more i hate them

Death to America

[–] [email protected] 15 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

the shape of the west eurasian brainpan predisposes kkkrakkers not only to believing obvious lies, but also to caring more about the wellbeing of animals than of humans

Death to America

[–] [email protected] 16 points 4 days ago

celebrating this most sacred of days by applying for jobs

Death to America

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

cw sa, child abusetrump literally fucked kids tho

Death to America


everyone always says lie on your resume, and i agree that there’s no reason not to. i’ve never done it before though so i want to know what i can and can’t get away with.

for example, if i’ve been out of work since january, can i just lie and say i’m still employed by the company i quit working at in january and make it look like i don’t have an 8-month gap on my resume? or is the HR person at the place i’m applying going to be able to figure out that’s a lie?

also please give tips on what are some good lies to add, how to punch up normal looking resume shit, etc

Death to America

[–] [email protected] 17 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

and then i'd be on a list for sure lmao

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Death to America

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

blessed, thank you so much

Death to America

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

how to do this without a job and therefore an enterprise account? unironically. i'm in the same situation as OP

Death to America

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago

yo peanut butter + coconut yogurt + maple syrup + cayenne pepper is fucking insanely good, going vegan is surprisingly easy

Death to America

[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

the fucking lawn machines are so loud and just constant. the suburbs are unironically louder than the city because of dipshits growing a crop of fucking grass

Death to America


Death to America


anybody who you're calling deeply unserious, whatever that's supposed to mean specifically, 1) already knows they don't seriously espouse the values they claim to espouse and 2) doesn't care. it's a pointless comment to make

Death to America


Death to America


they never should have let white people have guitars

Death to America


yes it's nice that it's joever but kamala is fucking evil. she's a cop, she laughed about putting parents in jail for their children's truancy, and she wouldn't let cannabis offenders out of prison after it was legalized because she got paid by private prison lobbies to do so. total scumbag who deserves absolutely 0 support from anybody but the most trump derangement syndrome riddled liberals

Death to America


credit to for indi.ca for sharing this photo in this article

Death to America


Death to America


if it's boeing i'm not going

Death to America


spoilers obviously

the first 99% of the movie is a beautiful story about Delia, a woman in post-war Rome working up the courage to leave her abusive husband, Ivano. he treats her like trash and so does his father, who lives with them and their three kids. the oldest is a daughter, Marcella, who gets engaged to Giulio, the son of a much richer family, but the engagement gets broken off when SPOILER Delia detects signs that Giulio will abuse Marcella the way Ivano abuses her and then convinces a friend of hers in the US military police stationed in the city to blow up Giulio's fathers cafe.

this is incredibly based, direct action gets the goods. the movie literally shows that destroying property is cool and good. this is critical for understanding why i was so disappointed with this film

throughout the film Delia is considering leaving her husband to move to the north of Italy with Nino, a mechanic with whom she had a fling when they were much younger. the day he's leaving arrives and Delia's plans to escape go awry when her father in law dies, delaying her exit and making it impossible for her to escape to the north with Nino. at the wake, Marcella says to her friend "there's still tomorrow" and we the audience think, great, she's not gonna let this stop her, go off queen.

BUT NO. holy SHIT no. the next morning Delia sneaks out early and changes into nice clothes and puts on make-up, leading us to believe she'll still be able to find Nino. unfortunately she leaves her ticket at home, and Ivano finds it and tracks her through the city. he finds her in line to get on a train north and then BAM we find out she's not in line for a train, she's in line to fucking vote. that's right, her solution to her husband beating her and humiliating her is not to run away with a man who clearly loves her and with whom she could start a new life. no no no, she fucking VOTES her problems away, and the film doesn't even tell us who she voted for! because it doesnt matter, what matters is that you vote

FUCKKKKK they made a great movie and then took a huge shit on it in the last 2 minutes. i swear to god i've never hated a movie this much. pure blob-no-thoughts liberalism, so disrespectful to all the women who have suffered through abusive relationships. fucking sickening, 0/10

tldr: they made vote: the movie and it fucking sucks

Death to America


like in my head the four pillars of how you look are diet, exercise, skin care, and clothing/accessories. am i missing any big ones? also, where should i go for advice on how to improve on skin care and especially clothing? (i'm good on diet and exercise lol i used to see a nutritionist and she set me straight)

sorry if this is rambly and/or weird, im stoned off some weird european pseudo-weed

Death to America

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