str 86;
str itmTo86;
86='get rid of';
info(strFmt('%1 %2',86,itmTo86));
(This won't actually work, since you can't assign ints as variables, but whatever. It was fun)
I have never heard of either 86 nor this speakeasy. What a cool thing to learn! Thanks for sharing this historic nugget!
Edit, autocorrect on grammar
This is a very interesting use of this tech, as a countermeasure to the corpos' use of it. I appreciate the share!
Very cool. Thanks for sharing!
Ah, you meant phone of the time. I thought you meant phones throughout time. Like, today's Pixel 9 compared to the N95. That sort of thing.
Yeah, you're right. Back then, it was all marketing and storefront locks. That's it.
And the flagship iphone of today is lower specs than its direct android competitor. But, then again, that's how apple seems to operate: lowest possible specs, highest possible marketing, beautiful (debatable, I know) UI... and locked storefront.
I thought I read that somewhere, many years before this study "just" discovered it. Shoot, I've been using that knowledge as a coping mechanism for at least a decade lol
It's also better specs that some software and security processes require, but yeah, it's mostly marketing and it sucks.
No lol I just channeled my inner 90s hahahaa
I almost got the N95 back in the day, bit it didn't work with my provider. This project is hella wicked
And this tax needs to increase 25% every 6 months until it's no longer empty.