The Lemmy Club
1,239 readers22 users here now
Welcome to The Lemmy Club!
Instance Rules:
- Don't be a dick.
- Do NOT make me add new rules.
- Racism/slurs/etc use will not be tolerated.
- No spamming.
- Don't harass other users (See rule 1)
- NSFW content must be marked correctly.
- All content must comply with US law
- Loli/etc. will not be tolerated. Suggestive or sexual art must be reasonably recognizable as adult subjects.
- Users or communities that, in the view of the admin team, jeopardize the good standing of The Lemmy Club with other instances may be removed.
- These rules apply to all content and users that appear on The Lemmy Club. Moderation is on an as noticed/as reported basis. If you see rule breaking content, I likely have just not seen it yet. Please report it.
- Instances/users/communities that tolerate, repeatedly fail to enforce, or allow content that breaks any of these rules may be banned from The Lemmy Club.
- The site admin team (well, just @bdonvr really as of now) has final say in interpretations of all rules.
Help contribute towards our operating costs to keep us going and growing:
We host MLMYM (a clone of old.reddit) at
We host Voyager (a mobile optimized webapp) at
- Skirts
I am writing this letter to address numerous complaints, including but not limited to:
The food. It's not good. We get packaged turkey roll instead of real deli turkey. Is this what we are paying thousands of dollars in dues for? That's a disgrace!
I've never had a piece of bread in this club that wasn't stale! This is a golf club, not a penal colony!
Golf carts are over twenty years old and many are in disrepair. Go to any other club and their carts tell you the distance to the green! But not Oceanview.
Why do we have to abide by these antiquated clothing restrictions? Why can't we wear shorts on the golf course? And shirts must be tucked in at all times like it's some kind of reform school? Ridiculous!
Why are there no benches on the golf course? If the desire was to speed up play, it's had the opposite effect.
And while we're talking about the golf course, you need to take a serious look at all the favoritism for tee times!
Lastly, your management style leaves something to be desired. I know many others feel this way but are too afraid to say anything. This club is supposed to have a convivial atmosphere but instead people are walking around on egg shells. We pay too much money to be treated like this!
"The great problem facing modern man is that, that the means by which we live have outdistanced the spiritual ends for which we live. So we find ourselves caught in a messed-up world. The problem is with man himself and man's soul." - February 28, 1954. Detroit Michigan, United States of America
Ich habe heute eine speziell vom Fediverse inspirierte Zeitung gegründet.
Um Europa und uns in Deutschland unabhängig von Big Tech zu machen.
Ich bin nur einer, zusammen sind wir viele.
A place to name and shame companies using misleading prices.
Any surprises you get at checkout like discounts only applying if you sign up for a year etc.
A place to name and shame companies using misleading prices.
Any surprises you get at checkout like discounts only applying if you sign up for a year etc.
Personal Diary of Stephen Alfred Gutknecht.
This is to easily keep track of when EFF's Rayhunter has a new release. Find more information about Rayhunter on EFF's website.
This is not an official EFF community, only a Rayhunter release tracker.
Diese Community konzentriert sich auf queeres Leben in und um Mainz.
A community to discuss O my Soul and related matters. O my Soul is words of encouragement for anyone who has chosen to surrender their life to Jesus⸺for anyone on that long journey of dying to self and living wholly for the Lord, loving him and loving those he brings onto our path. See the About page for more.
This is a community in which to find encouragement and affirmation and blessing and healing. It is a place to be gentle and kind. It is a safe place for hurting people. It is a place to reflect on how you have been blessed or encouraged by the writing at O my Soul, or to share struggles you have experienced in living this out in practice. It is a place to encourage and affirm one another in these struggles as we journey on for the Lord.
This is not a community for arguing or taking offence at others. If you don't like what you find here, we respectfully ask you to leave quietly.
subvertising (noun)
The use of parodies of corporate and political advertisements in order to make an ironic statement.
EIn loser Buchclub, um zusammen #Hopepunk und #Solarpunk Bücher zu lesen. Work in progress.
Profilbild: The.lemonaut.ukr, CC BY 4.0, Banner: Dietmar Rabich / “Bredevoort (NL), Antiquariat -- 2018 -- 1784” / CC BY-SA 4.0 Both via Wikimedia commons
Mass Mind Brian Damage
Not just personal brain damage, not just one individual brain damage.
Brain damage of entire groups, mass mind brain damage. Mass man brain damage.
“The Galaxy Reconfigured or the Plight of Mass Man in an Individualist Society” - Marshall McLuhan
"Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century" - Howard Bloom
A community for me to post about myself BC lemmy doesn't have a microblog function (Why??? Reddit has one why don't we?)
My music. I don't just shitpost on Lemmy.
I promise to throw in some pro-Trump songs I've done just to piss ya'll off. (Even tho I didn't vote for him.)
I know you're disappointed that none of my music is in Russian.
Thanks, friends!
This is a pro-worker space that believes all workers deserve to earn the fruits of their labors through a living wage.
“Ours is the first age in which many thousands of the best-trained individual minds have made it a full-time business to get inside the collective public mind.” ― Marshall McLuhan, The Mechanical Bride : Folklore of Industrial Man, year 1951
Leadership of Nations by using Cringe behaviors. Exploiting the minds of the audience, the citizens of nations, with cringe antics. Using cringe as a method of control and exploitation against a population.
Documenting the crimes of the "Department of Government Efficiency".
Döner Kebab ist eines der bekanntesten Gerichte der türkischen Küche und erfreut sich in Deutschland und anderen europäischen Ländern großer Beliebtheit. Beiträge über ähnliche Gerichte aus der türkischen, griechischen oder arabischen Küche sind willkommen. Alle Beiträge über Döner MÜSSEN den Namen und den Ort des Ladens sowie den Preis enthalten.
Clown Population. The clowns inside the White House are only a small fraction of a total society of mock for mock, reactionary mocking, clowns. The entire nation is a "basket case of clowning around" on social machines / HDTV media machines / mockery.
People like to play a game of psychological denial and say ONLY MAGA is the clowns, only the White House is the clowns. It's the entire population of Untied States of America.
Jede Antwort muss die Geschichte weitererzählen und dabei alles bereits etablierte respektieren.
Die zu benuzende Sprache richtet sich nach dem Eröffnungspost.
Jeder Kommentar der nicht die Geschichte weitererzählt wird gelöscht.
Every replay has to continue the story while respecting everything that was established before.
The Language that should be used is implied by the first Post.
Every replay that doesn't further the story gets deleted.
An upcoming modern and feature packed iOS Lemmy client. From the same indie developer who developed SoraSNS (Mastodon Misskey Bluesky client)
Torment for your ears
Assemblea virtuale dell'avanguardia della sinistra postcapitalista. Be nice to each other.