Hey, I'm interested! Don't have a lot of knowledge in the domain, but I am a software dev with a special interest in pattern languages. Feel free to DM
Solarpunk technology
Technology for a Solar-Punk future.
Airships and hydroponic farms...
I'm working on something similar, coming from a process engineering/agent simulation approach, and looking for collaborators. How should we organise?
Would you care to provide more information?
Hey amazing project !
We are working on a similar topic. In short, we try to build a model based on open standards defining how to build and implement "open" (from open source, open economy, etc.) and sustainable DIY infrastructure. You can imagine an online IKEA for open source infrastructure technologies !
We are in the beginning of the project and in the process of launching a git repository soon, but we already have a lot to discuss I guess !
Feels good to see people working on similar projects. Looking forward to talk more in depth !
How do we organize ?
In few days I will be announcing our flagship project for 2024. Once it is done, I will get back to the pattern language topic (which also fits nicely as one of "legs" of the said project). Meanwhile, I am looking for other relevant resources, so we will hopefully have something to start with. Hope for your contribution, too.
Hello again.
Here is the updated map of our "Looking Up!" platform for education, information and inspiration towards community resilience. Pattern language is located there as an independent layer, on top of existing semantic wiki (Software stack to be determined yet). Such approach will allow us to work on it in parallel, independently for general platform development.
My suggestion is: let's meet at cryptpd.fr (my profile link), where I already started a document collection. We can also use a matrix room, either here or at min.tepewu.pl (my address: @kanenas:min.tepewu.pl).