I play girl characters because boy characters are still the majority of characters you play in any game that only have one playable characters. Also tried to make them as buff as the game allows. TBH I often mix up anyway because uhh variety is the spice of life.
Breadtube if it didn't suck.
Post videos you genuinely enjoy and want to share, duh. Celebrate the diversity of interests shared by chapochatters by posting a deep dive into Venetian kelp farming, I dunno. Also media criticism, bite-sized versions of left-wing theory, all the stuff you expected. But I am curious about that kelp farming thing now that you mentioned it.
Low effort / spam videos might be removed, especially weeb content.
There is a cytube that you can paste videos into and watch with whoever happens to be around. It's open submission unless there's something important to commandeer it with at the time.
A weekly watch party happens every Saturday (Sunday down under), with video nominations Saturday-Monday, voting Monday-Thursday. See the pin for whatever stage it's currently in.
I forgot to change back after completing Recruitment Drive
Happens to everyone.
Girls are cool.
I made a blond blood elf priest named “Juicyjuice” in wow a long time ago and everyone treated me really really nice
This reminds me. This one time when i was young my dad took me to an arcade. I got on what I think was Marvel vs Capcom 2, and picked Morrigan for my team. My dad comes over and goes "ooo, fighting the hot chick" and I clarify that im actually fighting as her And he goes "well that worries me".
I was a horny teen picking her so I could be sure I could look at her! How is that worse than wanting to beat her up dad???
Hes not even that much of a chud. If went fine when i came out as bi. But it was so weird.
Morrigan is such a smokeshow too.
Remember to differentiate between games where the character's appearance is cosmetic, versus games with individual characters with unique abilities. You can't really read too far into the latter. People might just want a particular type of ranged DPS or whatever. Men who would never, ever choose a woman in Call of Duty will pick D.Va in Overwatch because she counters some fucking guy's ability
Yeah same thing with fighting games. The competitive people are picking characters that work for their style. If their main gets a gender swapped equivalent in the sequel, they'll probably switch.
Though in my case i prefer female charachters in non-Smash fgs because fighting game girls are hot. I dont give a damn about Cammy and Juri's mechanics, I main them in SF6 because theyre the nicest (and coolest) to look at. Though Alex was my fave in 5 so thats not consistent.
I don't really know how much you can read into this. It could be that some people are open to exploring other possibilities, or it could just be that horny dudes want to play as the super hot female character... Based on what I've seen in the gaming community, I'd bet that the majority of the time it's the latter. You get your fantasy "hot chick" who can also kick ass. It's like a male fantasy.
I've always been the boring type and always made characters resembling myself
This is me. When I started to play girls in games, that's when I started to go "Hey wait a second..." and then proceeded to deny it for almost another decade or excused it as something else entirely.
Tried it and was like "Hm no, this ain't for me. How do guys like this?", so I guess I continue to be the weird guy out here. But if a guy character cannot put on girl clothing/features then the game sucks. Terraria my beloved, especially on the character creation screen! Look at all the hair options, and... oh my...
Depending on the game, same. I managed to make a guy who looks like me in, of all games, The Godfather game.
But i played a male Argonian and a female Khajit in Skyrim so I'm not consistent.
I've come to enjoy playing a human male warrior named Mr. Kill
I usually play my male characters as less competent than female characters. Only time I made a character that looked kind of like me they were a coward and a fool.
Maybe I just love to see a girlboss winning.