That screen is awfully dusty for a car you bought 10 minutes ago
A place to post your Cybertruck fails! We're here to make fun of this hunk of shit and throw as much shade as we can to that garbage bag of a human elon.
No doxxing No slurs No racism And no fucking nazis!
Well, it still does have a protective foil on it and very few finger traces in the dust.
Still, the bottom corner of the film is peeling. Could have been sitting on a lot for a long time, but peeling like that after only a few test drives at most?
Edit: I ended up digging into his Twitter page and everything is legit. And I'm baffled.
SMS conversation with Tesla support (LOL):
Dropping it off:
Ahahaha, oh wow, that tech support exchange.
I'd expect the dealership to give it a quick detail before letting the customer drive away, even used car dealerships do that. But I guess when we're talking about Tesla all bets are off.
You can't detail a car in 15 minutes. Most places just vacuum and run a cloth around the dash. My guess is the Tesla dealer only does that if you ask or demand it, considering they love to cut corners.
Haha. Yeah probably not. Look at what they aren't paying for when making these now.
I don't think Tesla dealers work on commission (basing this entirely off the comment of a rando on this site without verification), so that would help explain it.
You'd think the dealership would step in though. If I bought a $100k vehicle I'd be beyond livid if it was delivered in that condition. The fact that it's also broken is just a cherry on top
But you'd never buy a cyber truck for 100k. Maybe not even for a tenth that. These have to be somewhat impulsive people right? The more you research on a Tesla the worse it gets.
Oh well, it sucks to be you, a Muskrat dick-sucker.
Oops, did they accidentally do the remote self-destruction on a vehicle that was already sold?
I love that people think @elonmusk is a valid technical support approach
He...he can't help you. He's the nepo baby of people who owned blood mines. He doesn't actually know anything useful. Or care about you.
He's also the grandson of a man who tried to overthrow democracy in Canada and was forced to flee.
Why would they make him go to a red hot chili peppers concert for trying to overthrow democracy in Canada?
Mentioning this on Twitter might bring it to his attention and since this is bad PR, he might expedite the complaint so that it gets fixed sooner. That's probably the thinking here. I've seen it happen with companies before
More accurately, he'd ban you outright for daring to "lie" about his products having flaws
You just need to seig heil harder, bro
I know it’s fun to hate on the CyberTruck (absolutely has deserved it), but I’d bet money on this being a 12v battery issue, maybe from improper storage? Only reason I say this is that I have a Kia Soul EV and it gave me pretty much the exact same warning the other day and refused to start. Turned out the 12v battery was dead and that causes all kinds of weird stuff to happen to the electrical systems in the car. Especially considering that the entire electrical system of the CT is consolidated into one wiring harness.
Also, knowing Tesla, attempting to jump the 12v would probably void a warranty.
With modern cars having so many sensors, a dying battery can cause all sorts of weird, seemingly random issues. I have no idea it's the problem here but it's usually one of the first things I check when an issue isn't obvious. Just because the battery starts the car (or does whatever it does in evs) doesn't mean that the sensors, relays, and servos are getting the juice they need to operate correctly.
Lmao, imagine a car not working because of a software bug. That's just pathetic.
This could be an ICCU failure, where the high voltage battery doesn't properly charge the 12V. I have an EV model that is known to have this issue (luckily I haven't had it happen). It can be caused by either hardware or software faults. Still pathetic though lol
Edit: the cyber truck apparently doesn't have a 12V but rather a 48V system. I'm not sure if this same issue or a similar one is happening, or something else entirely.
I'd be shocked if anyone who works in IT would buy one. Already full up on troubleshooting.
That's... Basically every car made in the last 15 years?
Depends on the car brand. Some kept their dependance on software quite low like Mazda. Some decided to take a risk with the software gods and tie their entire functionality to it while simultaneously laying off good workers and rehiring the lowest bidder.
The worst bug I had on my car had the onboard computer not starting, and the screen remaining black. It meant I had: no GPS, no music, no backup camera, and no parking sensor.
But apart from that, the car was driving perfectly normal, and all the other features were working as expected.
Cabin climate control system requires service.
Am I reading that right? Do you need a connection to an external service to turn on the air conditioning?
I would definitely interpret that as in "needs to be serviced at a garage/dealer."