It's college. You're literally paying to be there so you're short changing yourself and your classmates.
If want to leave early, get the fuck up and go. You're an adult. Act like it.
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It's college. You're literally paying to be there so you're short changing yourself and your classmates.
If want to leave early, get the fuck up and go. You're an adult. Act like it.
College adjunct instructor checking in:
Your teacher is human. They are there because they want to help you get the information that you need to be a successful person as an individual and in society. They see the class packing up early and it really stings because they care about you and their subject’s impact on the world.
If you don’t want to be an educated member of a democracy, just save yourself the student loan bills and don’t come in the first place.
Joke's on you, the college was giving me a full ride 😎
So is OP’s mom, doesn’t mean you can’t still leave early if you want
The only one finishing too fast here is OP
That's what OP was doing tho
I mean yeah but it's awkward as shit and might make your professor hate you, and no good can come out of that.
As a former teacher, fuck you asshole
as a former student, actually, fuck you too
it makes sense that you so smugly declare this knowledge, "people can hear me". wow. and of course "being rude is contagious". well right back at you, prick.
no I'm not joking. you brag about being an asshole, I'm going to treat you like an asshole
What a waste of time and money, and holy unbelievably disrespectful. If it’s not undergrads just playing on their phone or computer the whole time they do this. Why even go to college?
You were paying for that time that you wasted.
This reminds me of high school and the teachers yelling at people who tried to do this. Most of them wouldn't let us put our stuff away until the bell and then the next teacher expected us to be there at the bell, amazing.
In the UK we had to be told explicitly not to move before or after the bell rang, until the teacher said we were allowed to (which usually wasn't long after to be fair). Wed all been conditioned by American movies were they just get up immediately to leave, lol
American movies were they just get up immediately to leave
Real American classrooms are not like the movies lol. Hollywood is all a lie
But, but... I saw it on TV. It has to be true.
"tHeY aRe eATinG tHe dAwGs!" -some weirdo
Quick, switch the bat-signal on!
Bro please 😭 This is Redditor behavior
This is common behavior, people just have underdeveloped brains under 25 and are clueless. the younger the folks the more likely but op claims they already should be past that so looks like they have some developmental delays
Hahah i forgot that i did that too, more so because I was fascinated how well it worked. Kinda like a social experiment
Honestly who cares about few minutes when you can learn something more, I am there to listen. If I want to chat or play games on my phone like my mates I just won't show up at all cause what's the point. What's the point of going to the lecture and playing on your phone?
Similarly, few minutes at the end won't save me and If I really need to go I can just go to exit at any time, quietly.
I spend big money for these minutes so I am gonna make use of all of them. I paid for it
Lmao, this happened in High School and the teachers were like: "Why are you all packing up? Class is not over" then when the bell rings: "tHe bELl doESn't diSmISS yOu, i dO!"
During high school I'd always hang around the class room after class to chat with the teachers; mostly because a large part of the other students were bullying me at the time and I wanted to avoid them/take my mind off of things.
All of my classes were pretty great, I wanted to stay and learn at most of them. University was interesting, I miss having access to the professors and the ability to talk to people in very different disciplines.
LOL. I've seen that happen many times. One of my classmates also did that intentionally every now and then.
It was a different country, different system etc. so USA specific things didn't apply. I totally get it why everyone here seems to be so outraged about it, but in this case, it was mostly harmless fun.
Here's how it usually went. You make some close up noises, and watch how other students start packing even though we're nowhere near done yet. The point is that you only make the noises, but don't actually put your books in your backpack. People react to that noise, and assume that everyone else is also packing up already. You have effectively triggered an avalanche. Some people eventually started heading for the door, and that's when the teacher realized what was happening, and had to tell everyone to calm down and take a seat.
see now THAT'S funny! op just a jerk
It's literally the same thing. Wtf are you talking about?
Ughhh I hate noise from students in lectures, main reason for when I don't show up
yeah right? I have ADHD and I can barely focus in silence, let alone with all the stuff people tend to do during lectures (even eating pickles). More often than not there seems to be whole meetings going on and unless I sit somewhere in the front I will end up talking too or spectating some league of legends gameplay
This is annoying because on the one hand you want to see what people are up to but on the other I pay for the lectures and want to learn so I am constantly maddeningly torn between daily socialization and learning
For me another part is the total lack of empathy these people have for the lecturer and those who are listening. Like come on you are sitting shoulder to shoulder to someone who is trying to listen to someone much further away than you are. Like I would imagine engineering students would have an understanding of the square cube law but I guess not. On top of that this is a room literally designed to amplify the sounds made inside of it.
AND ON TOP OF THAT apparently they don't even want to be there and delight in intentionally turning the last 10 minutes (about 8% of a 2hr lecture) into an unlearnable environment. Ahhhhhhhh
Well, I myself I am not super versed in the ways of the empaths but… I pay for lecturer to talk there. I fund prof’s salary in part. Then someone is making my money go down the drain because they want to talk some shit about DOTA and I don’t get the full cash worth of what I paid for. That’s annoying. I am not here to listen to how many skins you have in counter strike kid
the fuck are these comments lmao if students wanted to stay in class they wouldn't pack up as soon as socially acceptable. get a grip