yeah the sticker's value is ruined now that the back is covered in shit
A place to post your Cybertruck fails! We're here to make fun of this hunk of shit and throw as much shade as we can to that garbage bag of a human elon.
No doxxing No slurs No racism And no fucking nazis!
People are pathetic
Yeah, those cybertruck drivers are pretty lame.
Yeah, they are.
Pathetic for owning a dumpster that pretends to be a truck.
Is this vandalism?
It sure is! Keep up the awesome work - maybe set a couple of the fuckers on fire while you're out there.
The legal status of what you're doing to Nazi's shit can go fuck right off. Deface or destroy it as often as you can get away with.
This is morally okay and ethical thing to do.
People are getting caught up on semantics vs. ethics in this thread. Is it vandalism? Yes, textbook. Is it okay? Also yes, fuck these people for bankrolling his coup.
So basically... Wrong:Yes, Justified: Also yes
A mango-american once said:
Yes but only because that piece of shit truck is so badly designed a sticker will ruin the finish
The truck is ruining the sticker, you mean.
“Truck” being applied rather liberally to what basically amounts to a portable biohazard dump.