Why are conservatives like this? They all believe they're special.
The Commonwealth of Virginia
Because, aside from the pithy Wilholt quote, conservatives believe that good and bad are something you are, not something you do.
It’s why you hear them claim, for example, that they’re not racist. Racism is bad, and they’re good. Since good people don’t do bad things, they’re not racist.
This extends to a lot of things. It’s why they believe jail should be punitive; stealing/doing the devil’s lettuce/whathaveyou are bad things, and only bad people do bad things. Bad people will never be good people, so the bad people should just be punished.
It’s also why you see them decide that something obviously evil like Trump treating Mexicans like this isn’t bad; Trump is their leader and they would never support a bad leader, because only bad people would do that. Therefore he is good. And a good person doesn’t do bad things, so obviously he’s only going to go after the ‘bad people’ and leave the ‘good ones’ alone.
Well stated. I jever thought about it from that perspective.
You won, get over it
Do we have a Leapords Eating Faces comm on Lemmy? I feel like this would fit in perfectly