These public service jobs are Nurses, Doctors, Teachers & alike. Not bureaucrats. This would be a ridiculous move. Yes, it's $5 Billion worth - however, Scomo spent $20 Billion on outsourcing similar jobs and consulting...
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Considering how a similar move is playing out in the US I hope voters here find this idea very unappealing.
A lot of people thought that the actions of other Right-Wing governments performed were electoral suicide.
Next thing you know, they are in power.
UKIP/Tories, Trump 1.0, Trump 2.0.
The pundits said that none of them would get in. Next minute, Brexit happens, Trump 1.0 happens and then against all logic, Trump gets voted in a second time.
Have you not met voters?
They have no original ideas. Just whatever the corporate plutocracy want, that will cripple/bankrupt/destroy government.
These People consider Government getting in their way. They want a Feudal Anarchy where the rich and powerful can dominate and dictate over the poor.
The problem is that Government regulation of Polluters and Environmental protection and oversight is getting mixed up with restricting public citizens.
For instance, not being able to go 4WDing in State Forests causes people to become radicalised and susceptible to Corporate manipulation. The next thing you know, you have Outdoors enthusiasts voting for clear-felling of National Parks.
Well at least they won't have to go into the office.
The public service jobs are Nurses, Doctors, Teachers etc. Not bureaucrats like headlines would have people believing.