As in criticizing Democrats on their merits or criticizing Democrats as equally bad as Republicans? Big difference between the two.
United States | News & Politics
Let me try! Democrats who don't support ranked choice voting are selling us out.
For real. Democrats criticizing their own politicians is as old as the modern Democrats. That's part of the problem, everyone marches in lock step on the right and the left argues about every action their politicians take.
I think this is a fair POV. No one is perfect. Thinking that you cannot criticise something you are part of, you like, or are somehow related to, is just childish.
All you guys suck, democrats enabled the rise of fascism by being impotent cowards trying to get the scraps left behind by the republicunts.
Everyone should still vote for them becuase they are better than the only other option in your dogshit political system.
Vote as far left as possible all the way up, if it ends up as trump v clinton then it should be the lefter of the two.
If they think their only recourse in all of this is to vote differently next time, they’re more fucked than we think. It’s not about D v R. It’s haves and have-nots. Always was. The sports teams are to distract and divide.
Voting gets so much attention not because it's super effective, but because it's super easy. It's the absolute most efficient change/effort available to us.
Everyone should vote, just as a first step. Even if you don't like DvR there are third parties, write-ins, plus there is municipal and local voting, and issues you can vote on directly on the ballot.
And then after you're done voting, get involved in your local community.
If you're a defeatist/"enlightened centrist", you are a part of the system of oppression.
Vote as far left as possible all the way up, if it ends up as trump v clinton then it should be the lefter of the two.
And Democrats will always take advantage of that. They supported genocide last election. How much further to the right are they going to go? Because they will never move one Planck length to the left.
Push the party left and then vote for them. I would personally rathwr have useless weasels in power over soulless ghouls intent on stripping the country bare
Push the party left and then vote for them.
Yeah, that was the line about Biden. He supported genocide instead of moving left.
I would personally rathwr have useless weasels in power over soulless ghouls intent on stripping the country bare
Or anyone interested in fixing anything.
But if they consistently win it still alter the political landscape such that someone else will have a better chance of enacting actual change in the future.
The two party system is garbage, but if one of the two current parties lost its ability to win entirely then a different second option could appear.
Agree. Within legal means, this is the only way to shift the Overton Window back left. When Democrats are secured from Republicans, then we should be pushing for more progressive options. Democrats would not be expanding the concentration camps like the Republicans are.
Fuck legal means, this is yer problem its all pride and democracy this until its dismantled in front of ye. Taking the high road has given ye a petulant retard as a leader. Maybe throw "legal" out the window, they did.
okay so what’s your next step? because letting the right win has to be the stupidest ever way to influence change to the left
because letting the right win has to be the stupidest ever way to influence change to the left
Maybe the party shouldn't have done it then. There will never be anything that will get Democrats to move to the left. You know it. You love it. It's why you're gloating with your spoiled milk analogy.
No, he asked for a next step. Because leftists can't get a win.
Because leftists can’t get a win.
Oh, you gonna gloat too? Ok, hows about the party hold honest primaries for fucking once. Or primaries at all? How's that for step 2? Then again, since you love your sour milk, that's a nonstarter too.
You're a bit weird, I'm still not talking about Democrats, I'm talking about leftists.
What can leftists do to get a win?
Spamming as a conservative on multiple posts? This is the same type of posts you see on conservative reddit, always pointing out both sides, when there's almost none of the same type of opinionated posts when referring to Republicans. I know you like to blame Dems, but Republicans are the ones actually promoting and using racism , and fascism right? Where's the criticism against them with such vigor as your post. Your the reason why Reddit has been so aggressive with their banning. Also because your barely mention Rs in good faith. Yes dema has their problems, but Republicans are far worst people.
Where’s the criticism against them with such vigor as your post.
It's not needed, OP and everyone here knows they're horrible. There's no point in adding a redundant "death to Republicans" after every critique of the Democrats who enabled them.
Yes dema has their problems
Genocide trivialization
acknowledging that both sides support a genocide and moving past that because there’s nothing you can do to change it isn’t trivialising it; it’s being realistic about a whole lot of horrendous options… sticking your head in the sand doesn’t magically make the genocide go away