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The original was posted on /r/cfb by /u/thnxjer on 2025-02-17 20:52:19+00:00.
I've been going through old family boxes and I ran across a game program (with ticket stub - $10) from 8/13/54 at Soldier Field; the College All-Stars vs Detroit Lions.
A quick google tells me that the Chicago charities College All-Star Game was a preseason game (1934-1976) between the NFL champions and a team of star college seniors from the previous year.
As a very casual football fan I'd never heard of these annual charity games. I'm hoping the Lions will return my phone call/email asking if they'd like the program for their archives.
edit: unfortunately I don't have enough karma to post this on r/detroitlions.
edit: adding link to a photo of the program cover