yooo what kind of pastas's that
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It's tortellini! Pasta filled with mushrooms, covered in store bought "4 cheeses" flavoured pasta sauce. Quick and easy meal because I had a lot of work to catch up on in the evening.
It's soo good!! I'm gonna buy more next time I go shopping, it's so nice to have it at home for when you just can't be bothered with dinner ^^
The tortellini I buy takes like 15 mins to cook but I have a guilty pressure of just eating them raw because they're not that hard and the filling makes it actually taste like something yk
Haha thats not a bad snack, I feel like my laziness would take over and I'd just completely give up on cooking them tho :p
Is that a variant of Ergodox I don't recognize?
It's another split board called "Lily58". ^^ There's more info on the git repo for the project https://github.com/kata0510/Lily58. I bought it as a kit off of mechboards.co.uk. I would love an ergodox keeb tho :3