Kill Team seems like a much more manageable game (I have very limited experience in Warhammer)
Smaller armies and faster games. So you don’t have to commit to 4 days of army building before you get a taste of the gameplay.
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Kill Team seems like a much more manageable game (I have very limited experience in Warhammer)
Smaller armies and faster games. So you don’t have to commit to 4 days of army building before you get a taste of the gameplay.
I don't mind him spending time preparing his minis if it means he has to wait before adding more to his collection. We'll look into Kill Team though, thank you for the tip!
It’s not so much that he won’t or shouldn’t, more so he can get to playing faster.
I'm an oldie who got into 40k way back in the early 90s with the Rogue Trader stuff.
In my honest opinion, I love the minis (they look glorious), but I would not recommend the current game to anyone. It's far too expensive and just not that fun.
There are better games out there that you can play using 40k minis. One Page Rules : Grimdark Future is one such example.
Ah interesting, do you mean using the figurines but with different game rules and mechanics?
Exactly this!
I mentioned One Page Rules in particular because it's the one that I still play.
The buy-in is zero - you get the core rules for free. They are clean, easy to remember, and fast to play with.
OPR : Grimdark Future is the 40k equivalent OPR : Grimdark Future Firefight is a smaller scale skirmish based version. I like Firefight best personally - you can play with just a handful of figures per team.
An additional aspect is that it is miniature agnostic. Most of the teams are "legally distinct" spins on the 40k factions, with each troop type having an equivalent, but you can use any miniatures you have (regardless of who makes them) totally legitimately.
They have a free army building web app called Army Forge. You can spin up a couple of armies based on the models you have already, print off the rules, and have a quick game straight away :)
Edit: I just visited their homepage and thought I should clarify something. When they say "receive 50 minis a month", they are talking about files for 3d printing these miniatures, not actual physical figures in the mail!
Thank you this is really useful information!!
I prefer Sci Fi.
The Emperor called me from the void and I have been here since.
Guys, I think Grimdank is leaking
You make it sound like it's a bad thing mate.
I got into 40K by randomly watching some Luetin lore videos on YouTube and then becoming super interested in the lore. I’ve only played two games of Combat Patrol (against myself) using the models from the Leviathan box. 😅 It seems fun but is quite the time investment.
When I got into it I didn’t really consider the amount of hobby time investment required. I think it took me over a month just to assemble the models I needed to try out Combat Patrol, I still don’t have any of them painted, or even primed.
Then I tried out Kill Team and love it. It’s arguably just as complex as 40K, but much more approachable from a hobby perspective. It’s a blast too! I’d highly recommend trying out a game or two, the light rules are available for free online and they have an app too.
Thanks for the insight, that's another mention of Kill Team in the thread. I actually think the long prep time is a bonus because it means he'll have to take his time before adding any more to the collection, hopefully.....
Battlefleet Gothic was really cool, and they had this game with tiny little guys too.
I didn't realise they made Warhammer video games but makes total sense. Are they any good?
Battlefleet gothic started as a tabletop game with plastic space warships. That's what I was referring too.
But, totally apart from that, the Battlefleet gothic videogames are also really good, if you like slow tactical ship sims.
I got into painting minis over the pandemic when everyone was picking up new hobbies left and right with the reaper minis learn to paint kits
I enjoyed them, but I have a hard time justifying buying minis unless I have an actual use for them, and since we don't tend to use them in my D&D games, I went on the hunt for a game.
And from there it wasn't long before I settled on 40k. It's probably about the biggest one out there, so I can always find someone who plays, I already have a small handful of friends who play it, and when I looked around at the options, they just kind of looked the most fun to paint to me.
That's interesting, one of the reasons he got into minis was because someone bought him some to use in his roleplaying games, and from there it was a short walk to Warhammer. He's still new to tabletop RPGs and hasn't tried out any particular system beyond using his imagination and printing some things out to play with his friends. I think Warhammer caught his eye because it's more tangible and easier to play in a sense? He's keen to try D&D but it's been hard to find places to learn. I guess the benefit of AoS over 40k is I could see him using some of the minis for his RPG games given they lean towards fantasy.
Yeah, if he specifically wants them for dual-use with d&d (and cares about keeping his minis in-theme, my group has been known to plop down a star wars AT-ST on the table to stand in for a dragon) then AoS is probably a better bet for that.
Another thing to consider, since you say he's been having trouble finding places to play D&D, there's a good chance he's going to run into a similar problem with Warhammer. If you have any local game stores, in my experience, most of them will have pretty regular events for both D&D and Warhammer. You can also sometimes find groups and events in other places- libraries, community centers, book stores, schools, etc. aren't uncommon.
But if you really don't have many options around you, that means he's going to need to convince his friends to play with him (which can be an uphill battle, Warhammer isn't a cheap hobby) so his best bet is probably to see what his friends are more interested in playing (assuming he wants to play Warhammer, and not just paint the minis, which some people do)
However, in my experience, once you start one of these things you usually dabble in lots especially if you’re at a good store.
Thank you for the thoughtful comment, these are all very good points to think about. To answer your questions:
My son got into 40k and wanted me to go with him to the shop and help paint figures. We bought him the Starter Set and he played as Tyranids and left me with the Space Marines. He moved onto Age of Sigmar (and I get the impression that most kids/teens seem to be more into Fantasy than grimdark SF). I enjoyed the painting and started to play.
My only regret was choosing an army too soon. I wish I’d taken longer and learned more about the lore before choosing. (My son is mad about Skaven currently!)
Are you possibly me from the future? I filled him in on the tips everyone shared her but he's ultimately decided on AoS, and Skaven seem to be the set he's most interested in! He's definitely more of a fan of fantasy than Sci-Fi so I shouldn't be surprised. I doubt I'll be able to help much with painting though, hands are way too shaky :/
I wonder if Fantasy/SF/Horror have a cyclical rotation and that kids are just into Fantasy at the moment? Of all the AoS armies, Skaven are the best and there are some crazy miniatures. I was TERRIBLE beyond belief when I started painting but I found that if I took things slowly and watched some tutorials my skills really did improve. (Another thing to watch out for is Yugioh! - my son is OBSESSED with the card game and it’s bankrupting us!!! 😆 )
(Another thing to watch out for is Yugioh! - my son is OBSESSED with the card game and it’s bankrupting us!!! 😆 )
Ha, we have the same issue but with Magic the Gathering. You'll definitely want to keep your son away from MtG if you want to avoid bankruptcy 😭