:O I love tiny shit! cute :3
do u often carve tiny shit or is it a new hobby?
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:O I love tiny shit! cute :3
do u often carve tiny shit or is it a new hobby?
i think this is the first time i’ve really tried anything figural. i’m an apprentice bench jeweler, so most of what i do with hand tools is just “make this flat, make this round, put a hole here” etc.
This is awesome, I love random little trinkets like this. Are you planning on mounting it (idk if that's the right term lol) to some kind of jewlery or just keeping it as a figurine?
thank you! i also love trinkets ^^
i’m not sure what’ll happen to this hooligan, but i definitely wanna do something.
I love it! I’d love to hear more about the tools you used and what was the biggest struggle.
i didn’t realize turquoise is so soft, it’s anywhere from 3 to 6 on the mohs scale! i was able to use exclusively hand gravers and an x-acto blade that i’ve serrated.
the biggest struggle is the perspective, he’s got like a 1/4 turn going on and i haven’t really shown that with the nose or mouth yet. i WANNA say he’s not finished but i’m terrible about actually finishing stuff that isn’t customer work uwu