Poor people hobby > Job
Rich people hobby > Business
A place to post ridiculous posts from linkedIn.com
(Full transparency.. a mod for this sub happens to work there.. but that doesn't influence his moderation or laughter at a lot of posts.)
Poor people hobby > Job
Rich people hobby > Business
Job is not my hobby, job is how I pay for my hobbies.
Also I wish learning got me rich. Unfortunately I don’t bother learning stuff that makes money. I am however shockingly educated on certain subcultural histories.
In all fairness, this seems like one of those motivational posters where English isn't the native language. I suspect that what the person is trying to say: "if you want to stay poor, keep these habits. If you want to become rich, learn these habits." It utterly discounts the fact that, in the US, upward mobility has stagnated; the secret to becoming rich in the US is to be born rich. It's not impossible to improve your economic status, but it's hard. In some countries, it's still possible to move up a tax bracket within a decade.
I think American eyes read this differently than how the author intended.
I will call out that putting "work" in the poor row is BS, no matter what your philosophy. The only person I personally know who went from middle-middle class to lower upper has no personal life. He is his work. He's family and we often vacation together, and I've never been on a vacation with him when he didn't spend multiple hours on each of the days in meetings or on his computer. He's nearing 60 and is home about 50% of the year, and the rest of it he's traveling. We have a pool going for how long he'll stay retired before he commits himself to some board or something that demands half his time.
There's are three ways to get rich: inheritance, crime, and becoming your job.
Become my job...? I once tried to fix myself, but then my therapist got overwhelmed and quit. 🤷♂️
Looks like an Amway ad.
I wish my job was my hobby and not a necessity
A banker, he spares a quarter for my cup, his troubles deeper than mine
That way of life, boys, there ain't gold enough, I'll trade you money for wine
Anyone for the Arts?
No. Since schools started becoming exclusively for training the next generation of laborers, arts is no longer funded.
Now, shut up and learn to pull that lever.
I love how the education system in several countries can be summed as "the people and govts paying to train up kids so they can work, because the companies sure as hell don't want to spend a dime training and preparing people to work for them"