Hell yes, hitting emissions targets and making the cops helpless. Strictly upside
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Wait, what's the takeaway here? I assume conservatives like Elon Musk because he supports the republican guy, but at the same time, electric vehicles are weak, woke and soy-cuck. Also climate change isn't real anyway, and even if it were, rolling coal in front of them dang ole libtards would be worth it.
And as for the police, do we support them because thin blue line and law and order, or do we mistrust them because ain't they just a tool of government tyranny? I mean who was it killin God fearing Americans at Ruby Ridge and Waco? It was cops.
I've never drove a Tesla but they don't sound so great based on this and other things I read about em.
I'm probably the wrong person to ask for a stereotypical right wing perspective on police or Elon Musk, but Teslas seem cool from all the reviews I've seen (except for the Cybertruck ofc)
You'd do better with some other electric car tbh. Teslas are often put together badly, and need to be recalled multiple times a year. They also have proprietary chargers that make you pay more than necessary. They are easy to break into by sending the correct nfc signal, and are pretty regular electric cars otherwise.
I mean they're alright as cars (except for that charger thing, that's complete bs) but I wouldn't pay a premium for them.
The electric Fords seems to be better though
Wtf kind of stupid status symbol bullshit has them even considering the idea??
What I don't understand is not using EVs by standard manufacturers. I see Ford police vehicles all the time, and Ford makes some nice EVs and plug-in hybrids.
You're not going to get around the charging issue with an EV, but while Teslas aren't BAD per se (except for the Cybertruck), I'd think a Ford EV would be more reliable and have fewer issues.
What's the charging issue?
How long it takes for electric vehicles to charge
Do they not park?