The weekly discussion thread was very nice and it encouraged a lot of casual, low stakes conversation. Something like that would be nice.
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that's what I'm looking for as well
Would you be interested in hosting these? We can make sure they're pinned to the top.
Maybe we can start with monthly threads, I think conversation would admittedly be a little sparse on a weekly thread. I do think having a place to chat informally would be a great addition to the community though!
I just subbed, came from r/chicago and wouldn’t mind more of the same pretty much anything goes type of content. I’m particularly interested in recommendations for landmarks or businesses that don’t get a ton of attention like old diners and delis, or cool parks and hiking trails. Also interested in local politics.
I think we should open it up with a Greatest Beef debate.
I might be in the minority here, but I'll voice my opinion anyhow. I was always disappointed that other city based subreddits had a good sense of humor and allowed fun meme posts. But r/Chicago never allowed such things :( maybe this community can allow some cool Chicago memes or if people disagree, maybe there can be a separate Chicago memes community? What do other people think, am I just a weirdo who wants locally specific memes?
I don't mind memes and stuff like that at all. I would agree with @[email protected], once the memes and stuff get out of hand it can start to drown out useful conversation.
I say post and let people decide what they want to see. If we see some backlash then we can start to reign things in or modify as needed. "Meme Mondays" or something of the sort is a good, contained way to still have them be present.
I think memes only become a problem when they drown out all the other posts, but given the size of this instance I wouldn't expect that to be an issue in the short term.
Maybe limit it to "Meme Mondays" if it starts getting out of hand?
Non political stuff. Discussion topics, relationships, advice, questions that kind of stuff
This is in relation to the Chicago /c/? If so, may still be posting some things that can be seen as political but mostly to keep people informed.
An example would be something like the Chuy Garcia post of mine, since the FTX scandal was pretty large and it is interesting to know that it is tied back to our city somehow.
But feel free to post any content you would like as well!