As a noob from /all : how does this work? Can you do this with all cacti?
A community for the cultivation, photography, and general information about cacti. Growing advice, photos of cactus in cultivation or in the wild, or other cactus-related content is all welcome.
Not all of them, but I'd say most. How it works is your select a healthy strong cactus for the rootstock (the bottom part), cut off the tip, cut off the bottom part of the scion (the small cactus on top), place it on the rootstock so that the internal capillaries of both match at least partially, secure everything in place with some rubber bands or bandage and wait a few days. If everything goes well and it takes, that's it. Scions tend to grow way faster when grafted than directly planted in soil, and it can also help delicate cacti, since grafting means they'll always get an optional amount of nutrients as long as the rootstock is alive and well.
Ty! Looks awesome