A place to discuss pro-conservative stuff
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I love how scared Walz makes the reactionaries.
That's how you know he was the right choice; anything they hate is going to be good for real Americans.
We’re so scared we’re pointing it out when he lies about his military career.
You are?
I don't see where you did that.
Memory loss is a common effect of panic.
Change your underwear and try again.
Glad you admit to being a reactionary though. That's progress.
@LookBehindYouNowAndThen @Amoxtli That's literally a reactionary position 😂
Reactionary: (of a person or a set of views) opposing political or social liberalization or reform.
I love it when reactionaries can't even define their own political philosophy (or any political philosophy for that matter).
Please, tell me how this statement is advocating for a return to a rose-colored past when minorities had fewer rights. Especially since Walz is a proven progressive. How does your accusation make any sense at all?
Jesus fucking christ. The only argument conservatives have is "no u." It'd be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. Every day is opposite day in Conservatopia!