If the US ever cares deeply about a country's leadership, check to see if they have implemented protectionism or nationalization of their resources or industry.
United States | News & Politics
To be fair, Venezuela also makes a show of wanting to collapse Guyana for its Oil, so at times it feels more like a case of goes around comes around for a dictator who implemented left wing policies for the first few years of their party’s reign before realizing they could do better by not implementing anything that didn’t benefit them and the rest of the party elites directly, and just saying that they really would return to being leftists at some time in the future.
Don't steer the narrative to what IQ45 did. Maduro stole the elections and is not about the world VS. Him. It's about Venezuela Vs. Maduro.
70% of the casted votes say so.
70% of the casted votes say so says you and says the US, which coincidentally wants a comprador government installed so we can to take their oil. I’m sure they’re still butthurt that their coup attempt to install Guaidó failed five years ago.