I was really confused for a second when I read that as
"Sharp rise in horny Asians sightings in UK causes alarm"
I was really confused for a second when I read that as
"Sharp rise in horny Asians sightings in UK causes alarm"
Well that's a turn of events for the Apocalypse
I'm cool not getting raptured in that case.
Japan would be line "please good, send them home"
They were already in EU due to trading but this climate makes it much more inviting for them to settle down. Fret not it's just a bullet wound if you do get stung by it
Yeah, but I already have a phobia of wasps.
Bro I see one of those and Ima have a mental breakdown, those things terrify tf outta me
Guess we have to import a enemy, fucking with nature even more will surely improve our situation!
I have considered the repercussions of importing Japanese honeybees (which are able to defend themselves against Asian hornets), but I don't know enough about bees to see if it would be a good idea.
Importing other species always has consequences and is almost never a good idea, I understand the way of thinking but that was sarcasm ;)
Oh lovely x.x let's see until they are everywhere
Für meine deutschen Freunde : Die asiatischen Biester sind meldepflichtig. Falls ihr eine seht, Foto knipsen und dem Regierungspräsidium mitteilen. https://baden-wuerttemberg.nabu.de/tiere-und-pflanzen/insekten-und-spinnen/hautfluegler/artenportr%C3%A4ts/17059.html
Had one infront of my window the other day . Massive thing !
The good thing is: They might be big but they are mainly a risk for bees. But not much is actually as obnoxious (or dangerous for humans) as the aggressive assholes that are our domestic common wasps.
Bees are already dying out though, which is very dangerous to humans. We don't exactly need winged terrorists accelerating the process.
Maybe we should import some of my favourite insects, Japanese honey bees. They have an effective way to deal with giant hornets
Are Honey Bees in danger in Europe as well? The only headlines I've seen of them being on the decline were about North America before
Did you kill it or just post about it
Pass it the blunt and you're safe.
You know, smoke might actually keep them away. I'll need to test this theory, but you could be onto something.