What is the 'splinternet'? Here's why the internet is less whole than you might think
This is a personal collection of things I find around the internet.
Alright, so somehow you found this place. Here's what to expect:
Due to the nature of this place, you may find a bunch of stuff that you don't care about, but you may also find a new passion.
So, the gist is, this is a place where I'll share random things, and you'll discover the internet with me.
Oh yeah, I didn't advertise this place anywhere, so hey, how did you even get here?
Check out the sister sub where you discover music with me! [email protected]
What we really need is a way to transfer data without teleoperators. We see how Cubans have managed with their restricted Internet, using wlan networks and organized copying and distribution of USB sticks. Those are neither long-range or resilient ways to move data.