Political Compass Memes
Political Compass Memes only
All posts must relate to the Political Compass. Meta Content and Quality OC relating to the community is allowed.
Not everything with 4 colored squares is a PCM. So called “Get out of my head” posts are not allowed.
Orange by itself isn't part of the Political Compass and must be accompanied by another quadrant. -
NSFW content
NSFW material is allowed so long as it is legal in the USA and properly marked. -
Negative interactions with other communities
a. Advocating, inciting, or participating in brigading is not allowed.
b. For any content from other social medias, all names and usernames, except those of public figures, must be fully blocked out.
c. Posts centered around bans from other sites are not allowed. -
Low effort content
Memes about a single quadrant of the Political Compass are allowed.
Highlighter memes are NOT allowed. -
Properly label your post with a tag contained in square brackets[tag]
if it contains fabricated or edited information. This is not to be considered as denial or support for the truthfulness of the base material.Example: [Fake news] Research shows the Earth is flat.
This rule applies to any image/twitter post/news article/etc that has been falsified or modified beyond its original form for any reason.
As a poster, it's your responsibility to know what you are posting. Ignorance is no defense here. -
Reposts Reposting content is not allowed for 6 months after the post was last made.
Reports should come with a link to the previous post. -
General spam isn't allowed.
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🟨 - LibRight
There's no chance we get back to the same server size that PCM once was, but even if it's a small, active community, I'll be more than satisfied lmao
Maybe to boost server membership, we can change the mod message that displays on the private PCM subreddit to link to this Lemmy, or at least state we're moved over here if links violate ToS. That way, there's some "official" followup to PCM that the rest of the community is aware of lol
In the meantime, I'll see if I can scrounge up some of my old memes from months back and post em, just to start off this Lemmy with some content, even if it's a re-post. My dumbass forgot to save them though so that may be difficult lol
Cheers, and here's hoping PCM can come back!
This space really isn't ready to get fully off the ground at this very moment. I think it'll take a while for that to happen so I don't think they'll be advertising there for a while to come yet. Don't want too many refugees coming in.
Yeah that will hopefully happen sometime in the future. Right now there's a lot of stuff to iron out on the technical side: adding flairs, porting the bots, updating the basedcount site... you name it. Our plan right now is making this place as nice and cozy as it can be, then start advertising it on Reddit.
Based and optimism pilled