I've just installed Arch Linux with the Zen kernel, some basic packages, and Blender. However, upon opening Blender, I encountered severe lag when moving objects. Moreover, I faced an issue where I couldn't select a video card in the preferences. It was Blender from Steam. Later, I decided to install Blender using Pacman, but I encountered the same problem, now with the error message: "Installation validation failed: No module named 'aiohttp' [dependencies.py:113]. I'm not sure what steps to take to resolve this issue..
Also, everything was okay on the previous rig(GTX 1050Ti and AMD Ryzen 7 1700x) and standard kernel(not zen)
My nvidia packages:
lib32-nvidia-utils 535.113.01-1
nvidia 535.113.01-4
nvidia-settings 535.113.01-1
nvidia-utils 535.113.01-2
opencl-nvidia 535.113.01-2
Nvidia RTX 3080ti
Amd Ryzen 7 5800x
You need to install the CUDA package to use Nvidia GPUs in blender. This is in the arch wiki page for blender.
I did so, but the problem is not fixed ;(