this post was submitted on 30 Aug 2023
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I very much agree, though I'd much rather it be free (open source) software, at which point there would be zero residuals because it's free. Obviously that creates an incentive against working for companies producing FOSS that I didn't think about beforehand. It then starts to look like those 20th century "homeowning initiatives" from the USA to make people invested in property rights, which is exactly the opposite of what I'd want. Not sure how that'd play out in practice, but it's worth considering.
I also didn't think before the post about the corporations "outsourcing" the costs to either costumers or other employees, and I'll definitely consider that. Though in my shallow defence, it's mostly because I already see most tech corporations as very "lean" and have gigantic profit margins, so they already have very deep pockets that we could reach into. And there's also lots of them that actively operate at a loss to disrupt the competition, at which point I'm not even sure how residuals would be calculated, because profit vs revenue would yield vastly different numbers.