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Depends really, my family relative in China don't really complain about a lot to the degree about toppling the government. A lot of stuff we perceive as unthinkable in the west (a functioning public transport, low cost of living, etc) are taking for granted.
They do have complains about the bureaucratic aspect of the government and also the healthcare system (especially important for my parent's and grand parent's gen as they get older).
There is also a lot of generational gap that influences opinions. My grand parent's generation are very mixed towards the party (from uncritical support to very negative) (my mother side were bandits prior 1949 and my dad's side are landlords). My parent's generation are more positive as they were the one benefitting the most of the reform and opening up. My generation is apathic as competition is very fierce to the point that some people don't see career advancement as something that is doable (less interested into the governance aspect of the country)
There is also a lot of gap in opinions depending of where you are from (ei. Urban vs countryside). Since my family moved to cities throughout the generations due to the five years plans I can't really comment on the countryside aspect of stuff
Envisions bar fight scene from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
from what i remember, he was more like loanshark but the dude was reformed after 49
Check out Fearless Blood - it's exactly about Chinese bandits in that era