Rocks vs. Chips: How the U.S.-China competition is playing out for high-tech advantage.
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My understanding from past reading is that China's strength mostly isn't in access to raw materials, but rather in processing of those raw materials. That is, China is not especially unique in terms of what's in the ground, but rather in that it has large-scale industry to refine those materials, so withholding access to these processed materials permits for leverage. My guess based on past reading as to why processing has gone to China and without looking into individually-processed substances, is that their advantages lie in (1) low labor costs, (2) restricted environmental regulations, and perhaps (3) scale of domestic market and possibly (4) government subsidies.
The first item, high labor costs, is inevitably going to be a US weak point, but we can find a poor-but-friendly country to trade with, probably one poorer than China is in 2025. It's also possible to possibly partly make use of automation to partially mitigate that; I doubt that this will wholly offset this, though, or manufacturers would have done so.
The second item, restricted environmental regulations, are also probably going to be hard. Maybe some US ones are going to be unnecessary, could be removed, but there are also probably going to be countries that would rather have the economic activity than reduced pollution, so, again, trade is an answer.
The third item, scale of domestic market, is going to be hard to overcome in the longer term. China has a population over four times larger than the US, and even around 2100, after which point the US is projected to have grown and China will have dropped in size, is expected to be about double. China will tend to develop, converge on a per-capita wealth basis with the US. That's probably going to involve international trade, and not just with one or two countries.
The fourth item, government subsidies, are doable if the US wants to do it, though doing so will weaken other industries. Probably somewhat-easier for the US than China; the US has a larger GDP in 2025.
It's also important to note that one critical US advantage regarding chip manufacture is in extreme ultraviolet lithography. I understand that this is not something that the US commercialized or presently control, but rather the Dutch, in the form of ASML -- the US government paid to develop the basic technology and a prototype, but the Dutch then finished the work to bring it to market. Something that the Trump administration might keep in mind insofar as it is concerned principally with competition with China and not so much with things that Europe cares about, like Russia; actively antagonizing the Netherlands probably isn't a good idea.
The US has very little active production, last I looked, but does have inactive production, and Congress was looking at subsidies to remedy that fact.
I also seem to vaguely recall that Canada and Australia have rare earth reserves...they just haven't done extraction, as it hasn't made financial sense.
That's maybe a short-term issue, but probably not long-term.
Graphite's just carbon; basically, very high grade coal. Surely it's manufactured via refinement of readily-available stuff like coal? The US has, IIRC, something like 40% of known global reserves of anthracite (the next grade down below graphite) within its borders, which is considerably ahead of China, not to mention substantial lower-grade stuff. Also, unless one needs enormous amounts, which I assume is not the case for lithium-ion batteries, any fossil fuel power plant, including crude oil or natural gas, is also going to have as an input something containing carbon, and given energy, that can be reduced to carbon. I cannot imagine that this represents any kind of a long-term constraint for the US.
This sounds like graphite is indeed obtained by processing coke.
And that is derived from coal.
Ah, yeah, they mention the Netherlands:
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And the article makes the same prediction that I made above, that if the Trump administration truly wants to restrict international trade on a serious and continued basis, rather than conduct political theater to score domestic points, that's going to make life a lot harder for competing with China: