this post was submitted on 09 Feb 2025
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[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 days ago (1 children)

It's a real tragedy how basically nothing new these days comes with a headphone jack anymore.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 days ago (3 children)

It feels like phone reviewers only know 3 phone brands and half of them are Apple. Some great phones still have headphones jacks and expandable storage. I use a Sony Xperia 6.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago (1 children)

There are definitely some out there, but it feels like you have to go hunting for them. My current phone is some lower end thing I found which had everything I wanted. Ulefone Power Armor 13. Absolutely massive battery, microsd slot, and of course a headphone jack. I was sick of all the thin phones that barely make it through a day before being at low battery, so I got the thickest smartphone I ever seen lol.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

Absolutely massive battery

You call that massive?
Slaps my Armor 24 ~~on~~ through the table That is massive.

Also, 3.5mm jack, dual sim + SD card (not hybrid!), ultra strong light, the battery and MTK Engineer mode which also allows for band selection. I wrote too much here before, but in short, it lets me manually select frequency bands rather than leaving that on my device or carrier. The biggest example would be in one certain city where I can boost my network speed on Telekom (T-Mobile) network from 8Mbps all the way to 150Mbps.

I just wish it could do 5G :(

But it does have issues too. It can occasionally momentarily trigger 12V (when the USB-A connector is moved too much) with something that gets recognized as Qualcomm QC 2.0 (this is MTK) by my USB tester until it throws an overvoltage error (the phone), and PD sources will bug out USB data transfer until reboot.
So the best bet is just a regular dumb 5V adapter.

Oh, and it won't finish rebooting while still connected to a PD source. No worries, it just gets stuck and resumes immediately after the cable is disconnected.

But overall it's fine.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)


Good lord, I already charge like once a week at 13200mAh. I also feel like my phone is about near the limit of fitting in my pocket, does that thing still fit in your pocket easily? Color me impressed if it does. I've never heard of the manual band selection before, but that sounds really cool!

Unsurprised it's another Ulefone though, giant capacity devices seems to be their thing.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

Yep, it does fit into a pocket.

BTW, your Power Armor 13 is also MTK based. Good chance you can get into the hidden menu by dialing *#*#3646633#*#* (it opens automatically without clicking dial).
But be warned, some settings may not be safe to mess around with.

About the band selection menu, it looks like this:

There's a lot of things in MTK Engineer mode, and a lot of them should probably not be accessible for a good reason. Most manufacturers seem to block access to this. Oppo and Realme even seem to encrypt it so that it's only accessible to service personnel.
Preview of the main menu:

Unfortunately, I couldn't find any documentation for this, and there's many things I am too scared to click. Something could make illegal transmissions, others could be some non-resettable options, who knows. Yes, there is some factory reset resistant stuff I found. If there's one, there can be more.
For example, the MTU value setting:

I've also seen a post from someone who ran some automatic full device test in a hidden menu on some Chinese phone, it turned out part of the modem test was dialing some number, 911 was the number, it turned out...

Anyway, one illegal thing some of these are/were able to do is change IMEI. The AT command tool here doesn't work, but on some devices it does. And there's also a command to change the IMEI.
I found this on XDA, it seems some devices possibly even simplified that process:

Anyway, there's also something step above band selection, specific cell tower selection:

I didn't find that particularly useful, but I did find out the cell tower range limit in a city seems to be 1km. Makes sense, you don't want devices screaming at some distant overloaded tower when the city is full of them. Maybe they can even have lower latency that way, I don't know. I don't know how the timing works.

Oh, it seems I can transmit garbage on WiFi channels:

But I also found a way to force VoLTE registration even though my carrier doesn't provision this device. EngineerMode -> Misc feature config -> hVoLTE device mode -> hVoLTE (even when already selected).
I was actually able to make a phone call in 4G only this way. But it has to be done every time the phone is connected to the network.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

You couldn't pay me to use Sony (in fact thought they stopped making phones over a decade ago). Might be worse than Samsung

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I have major beef with Samsung. I don't really change my hardware often though and am out of the loop. What's wrong with Sony?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Well I think it's mostly a me thing but I just hit a point a few years ago that I seemed nothing I'd owned from Sony for a long time had been worth a damn. Most of their products are at a price point that you expect decent quality, better than I felt I'd been getting

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

And the other brands that have features like headphones jacks and sd card slots are increasingly not bringing those products to the US, like the new Xperia and Zenfone.