‘Net zero hero’ myth unfairly shifts burden of solving climate crisis on to individuals, study finds
Everything about energy production and storage.
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If every person in the world stopped emitting gases, and polluting, the world would still be heading towards disaster because corporations aren't people, and they polute more than all of us put together to the tune of 9x more.
Thing is these corporations don't emit in a vacuum, they emit to fill demand for their products, demand that comes from people.
If people stop traveling all over the world and ordering shit to be delivered the next day they won't keep the planes flying for no reason, but that's something that's 100% in regular people's hands. Boeing can use more efficient engines, it's still not sustainable to use them, but they won't stop using them if there's demand.
This is just blaming consumers again. Which doesn't work, as we keep saying. There's no way to disentangle yourself from globalism, so everything you buy is going to massively contribute to carbon emissions. The only solution to a systemic problem has to be a fix to the system, not victim blaming.
No, it's not about blame. That's playground logic.
It's about action. It's about what we can do. What we can do is both vote, do direct action, and be political consumers.
Drag ranked those three in terms of efficiency in effort to change. Voting is the easiest. Being a political consumer is the hardest. But it is possible to do all three.
The fossil companies want activists to waste our effort by doing 3 without doing 1 or 2. Do 1 first, then 2. But if you have willpower left over after 1 and 2, then stop giving money to megacorps.
Didn't know it was mandatory for me to travel to Punta Cana twice a year, I haven't done my mandatory air travel in... 33 years! Oh shit! What about the majority of the world's population that never took a plane, what are they gonna do? 😱