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- If possible, give us your sources.
- If possible, credit creators of each comics in the title or body of your post. If you are the creator, please credit yourself. A simple “- Me” would suffice.
- In general terms, write in body of your post as much information as possible (dates, creators, editors, links).
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- One post by topic.
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I thought mod logs are public on Lemmy? Can't you go see them?
Oh I guess I can if I don’t use Memmy. Apparently I got banned for “bigotry” on a bunch of subs I’ve never used in blahaj. As far as I can tell it’s because I said “seems like unnecessary rage bait” on a post about Pixar removing a trans story from one of their shows. lol how stupid.
You’re permabanned from the entire instance:
Lol oh. I didn’t even say anything bigoted! Haha oh well.
ppl always complain about actions taken against them, and then convieniently never link the actions. I'm glad we added public modlogs, its just really unfortunate that so few ppl actually use them.
I wasn’t banned for that. I’m not even banned from beehaw.
Lol, every time.
I do not understand why you guys think it’s bigoted to not like one person, who is objectively awful, that happens to be trans. I’m not going to pretend Caitlyn Jenner deserves to be treated with respect, and that opinion doesn’t make me a bigot.
People love them their regime whores...
Apparently im also banned from non credible defence for not following “rule 11”, but I can’t find a list of the rules anywhere so ? lol
Rule 11 in their sidebar says “no misinformation” - perhaps you conflated an opinion for fact?
If you go to’s website and search the mod log by your name you’ll see what comment “earned” you a ban.
Oh probably. I made a joke about Chinese drones that got removed.