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The original was posted on /r/piracy by /u/fivelinha on 2024-03-09 16:28:55.
This is a repost of a post I made that was automatically removed by the automod because of my low comment karma, but now I got the drip, so here it goes
There are a LOT of posts here of people asking for help when their pirated Adobe software starts spewing out "No license" or "You will not be able to use this app in X days" messages, but I haven't seen anyone bring this up.
This will both
1 - Stop your app from showing those annoying "cracked software" warnings
2 - Prevent it from doing so, if it didn't happen already.
You don't have to do it all manually (unless you're a masochist, then go ahead), there's a GitHub link with a script for Windows users that automatically blocks all of the .exe files inside your C:\Program Files\Adobe (and a few other folder paths, you can check it out for yourself)
OMG Thank you, I was looking for an app that can block all exes at once