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The economy is actually in much better condition, now.
You can tell the article was written by a man because it pretends abortion rights aren't the elephant in the room.
The economy is not better since Biden took office. Average wages & household incomes have been stagnant but inflation over that period was over 15%.
You need to step out of your echo chamber once in a while... whether you want to blame the pandemic or Trump, Biden received a steaming pile of shit and the general consensus from all objective analysts, regardless of party, is that the Biden administration has done an admirable job under very difficult circumstances.
Please, support whoever deserves your support, but do not base it on the rumor mill. Please look at real, actual facts and then make an educated decision instead of an emotional decision.
This means that inflation is now lower under Biden than under Trump.
The Hill (notoriously conservative) - 17-SEP-2024
You posted a wall of text but couldn't provide a link to your source.
If you look at the table you'll see inflation was low in Jan and Feb of 2021 then rose.
Can't help you if you are dead set against learning... good luck in life.
Sounds like someone didn't have evidence to support their claim.
No, I'm just not willing to play your stupid fucking game where you make me do all of the work while you sit around and chuckle to yourself that you're such an edgelord. There is nothing I quoted there that isn't readily available with 1 minute of your effort on Google. The only thing you have proven is that you don't care about the truth. you can't provide a link. I did, it showed inflation below 2% in January & February of 2021 then jumped in March and hasn't been below 2% in any month since.
Again, you're being obtuse. I chose not to provide a link. I'm not going to do all of the work for you. The information is readily available; you just have to remove your head from your ass and look at it.
You can't provide a link that supports your position, you made a claim you can't back up and now your clinging to I'm not going to do work for you.
On top of that nothing you've provided shows inflation is not way up during Biden's administration.