this post was submitted on 10 Aug 2024
368 points (100.0% liked)

egg_irl — Memes about being trans people in denial and other eggy topics

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It all worked out alright in the end :)

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[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Like I said in an earlier comment, I interpret these comics as less about egging other people, and more about a person interrogating their own denial. Not everyone who plays as a girl is secretly a girl(I played as a guy growing up, and still ended up being a girl). It's a reflection of the excuses she used herself. Many people genuinely do play as girls just to stare at them, but for transbians like Paxiti, it wasn't justabout ogling hot women.

Part of why Pas doesn't post anymore is that people assumed she was making comics that speak to some Universal Trans Experience^TM^. All she ever did was post comics that were true to her own experience. There is no one way to experience any sort of social identity, yet we often assume just that. This exactly what Audre Lorde critiqued in civil rights movements, and why intersectionality is so important. This is Paxiti's truth, not a truth for everyone on earth.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

That is very true, there is no one universal experience. I didn't have a way of knowing for sure what the author's intent was since on it's own it could go either way and I have seen other people post messages that legitimately do claim to impose gender expectations on people in that kind of way. It's good to know that she didn't mean it that way, though it also is very sad that so many people continued to misinterpret her to the point that she had to stop posting.