r/unixsocks on fediverse
About r/unixsocks on fediverse:
Unixporn + ThighHighs
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All non-meme pictures must contain a human wearing thigh high socks.
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unixsocks in elsewhere
Fediverse :
- Matrix:
Link: https://matrix.to/#/#unixsocks:matrix.org
Backup link: https://matrix.to/#/#unixsocks:exkc.moe
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Main Room: #unixsocks-general#[email protected]
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Shitpost Room: #unixsocks-dumpsterfire#[email protected]
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- Discord (linked to matrix):
link: https://discord.gg/NVKeRwaMmW
- Reddit (Dead):
link: https://reddit.com/r/unixsocks/
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I honestly have no idea. It looks better than it is in the photo because of the lighting. I was just using a cheap Gillette razor and shaving cream, this is the first time I’ve done it actually. My only suggestion is leave the shaving cream on for a good couple minutes before shaving anything, and use some kind of hand cream after so your skin doesn’t get all dry. Also make sure your shaving in the opposite direction of the hair to get the razor as close to the base of the hair as you can.
alrighty, thanks for the tips!
I hope it works for you!