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I haven't personally played since the expansion was released because I recognized that I wanted a break and wasn't having fun. I do recognize, though, why others would feel trapped by playing the game. There are triumphs and story missions that are time limited. The seasonal story will disappear and then there's the social aspect and feeling like you're falling behind in your social circles.
I feel like it's a tad hypocritical to say "Don't like the game? Take a break/quit then and stop complaining" and then in the other breath go "I can't stand the Destiny community and all of it's complaining, so all criticism is invalid." You can stop interacting with the Destiny community if you wish (or go on the low sodium variants) just as easily as a player could just stop playing the game.
That's 100% where I am right now too
That’s fair, I did leave all the destiny communities I was a part of because of the negativity, when I do play I like to play completely fresh and without any information so I am avoiding spoilers and anything else that could be a bother.
I think the most important thing is to have perspective on what the game can be and what it is. If we put too much meaning personally onto the game then every time it disappoints us or doesn’t feel right we make it seem like it is a personal attack or problem that only the developer can solve. I would argue that this mindset is extremely dangerous as it just leads to endless hype and disappointment. I found the more I just let things happen and not think too much about it I enjoyed the game more. But that’s just me.
I don’t think it’s too hypocritical to complain about the community and still say take a break, the community is so bad at actually being a helpful voice to the game itself. Sometimes the negativity of the community itself is the problem because it means when playing the game with people they can drag it down. I had to cut out certain people just to have fun and it shouldn’t be like that, but everyone is different. I honestly have read enough bad takes from the community in general to not take it seriously anymore. Too many armchair developers and designers who haven’t made anything to the scale that D2 is. Not that I am saying Bungie has done a perfect job far from it, but there is so much we don’t know about what goes on behind the scenes that to make such terrible takes makes it hard to take it seriously.
Do you not have a problem with FOMO in the games you play? If so, what would be the line that you would draw where you finally go "This is too much"?
Not really. I haven’t finished a single battle pass since witch queen. It becomes too much when I feel like I have to do busy work to get stuff done. I am too old to be doing chores in my video game lol.
What about the price though? Does the cost of content influence how you feel about it? What would be your line where you finally go "this is too much"?
I feel like that is up to each person to decide. I don’t mind the cost of the deluxe with the season pass and dungeon stuff and whatever but I feel like I get the value I want out of it. I think the segmentation of everything is getting a bit much, so if it gets worse I don’t know if I will buy into it all like I have for the past few years.