Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
Welcome to the Ghost Recon ® Lemmy Community
Migrated from Reddit to Lemmy we want to offer a community for everything Ghost Recon. Feel free to discuss and share content about any game in the series from the original Ghost Recon to Frontline.
Community Rules:
1. Bugs and issues
If you encounter a bug or have another issue with any of the Ghost Recon games, please contact the Ubisoft support and open a ticket under Contact Customer Support.
2. Uncivil behaviour
Please do not troll, harass or be generally rude to your fellow users. Keep comments civil and be respectful.
3. Off-topic
All posts must be relevant to Ghost Recon. Media posts must include content from any Ghost Recon game. Pornographic or NSFW-material is strictly forbidden. This includes linking to sites that contain pornography and/or NSFW.
4. Low-effort
Low-effort posts will be removed. This includes but is not limited to posts not in English, frequently posted topics and posts with titles that are all/almost all caps and/or non-descriptive. Meme posts cannot be text posts only.
5. Leaks or spoilers
The mod team reserves the right to remove leaks from NDA-protected sources. Story spoilers have to be marked or will be removed.
6. Spam
Channel promotions, blog-spam, discounts or multiple posts/comments about the same topic count as spam and will therefore be removed. This includes but is not limited to trades, giveaways, non-official events or multiple media posts within a short period of time (under 24 hours). If you have multiple images to post, create and submit as a gallery. Gameplay and similar videos are allowed. The mod team reserves the right to delete posts and redirect discussions to existing megathreads.
7. Personal information
Posts and comments containing personal or identifiable information such as names, faces, addresses, or phone numbers will be removed.
8. Witch-hunting and hackusation
Witch-hunting, accusations of cheating, or general call-to-actions that target specific users will not be tolerated. Please send any reports of cheating to Ubisoft Support.
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No traction here yet I see :(
I don't think most Reddit users care about how Reddit is continuing to get worse and worse
I dont think so, like I stated in the post on the subreddit, they probably won't even notice the change unless they use third party apps or a new game gets announced (which will result in more spam in the subreddit)
I am not sure if longterm reddit will be hurt at all because its userbase is fucking huge. No idea if Lemmy will ever be able to compete with that.